𝙶𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚜 𝙲𝚞𝚝𝚜 𝙳𝚎𝚎𝚙 (𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝙾𝚗𝚎) (𝟸𝟿)

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"How are you so good at this makeup, Alex?" Fallon asked the girl as she applied the fake blood to her neck

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"How are you so good at this makeup, Alex?" Fallon asked the girl as she applied the fake blood to her neck. Alex didn't answer until the red blood dripped exactly as it was meant to.

"Before Simple, I was the girl who did my model's makeup," Alex sighed as she checked all the makeup over one last time. "Corbyn is fucking lucky even if this is fake and you look like you fell down ten flights of glass stairs."

Fallon smiled as the rest of the girls who had already gotten their makeup walk in. Alex and Everleigh didn't do the princess them and pulled the devil and angel, but they all looked extremely hot in their costumes as the Why Don't We boys would say along with Eben.

"Fallon... holy shit," Ayla breathed out as her sister stood straight up, the dress and all looked amazing.

"Ditto," Fallon laughed as she spun around, the skirt of the dress spinning with her as she laughed joyously. "I love Halloween."

She had loved it since she was a kid and now it was a way to get past one of the worst times in her life. October 21st was when her grandpa passed away. The day gave her ten days of grieving before telling her to knock her shit off and party.

"Hey quick question, since I am the designated driver and will be sober for the next seven months, who are the people that you want me to allow you to sleep with?" Claire smirked slightly.

"Nobody with an overbearing ego," Lillah instructed, she then smiled at Claire, "You're getting pregnancy glow! No fair!"

Claire rolled her eyes at that fact. She was scared as hell for the baby. "I get my first ultrasound next week before Jack goes on tour again."

"How's he been reacting to it all?" Valletta asked as she fixed the fairy wings on her back.

"Ha, that boy is so worried about it and it literally just... yeah," Claire smiled with her voice and lips as she thought about the guy she loved. "He loves this baby so much and it hasn't even expanded my stomach a centimeter. I've been checking."

"Oh, loosen up, you are too worried about you sucking as a parent than enjoying it," Fallon scoffed as she up to Claire slowly fixing how the tank top rested against her chest. "Great, I'm the third oldest and have the smallest boobs."

Everleigh and Alex were the only two older than her.

"Claire cheated if you think about it," Lillah joked as she slung an arm over the girl she just spoke of.

"And if you think at all, it's not cheating it's just nature helping early," Claire admitted jokingly. "Besides, at least Fallon doesn't have morning sickness, I'd trade that for small boobs."

The girls all laughed before they decided to head downstairs where the boys were waiting to go to the party that Fallon definitely got stuck into going to. It was okay, though seeing as her parties were pretty infamous seeing as her neighbor was literally Logan, as in Logan Paul.

He liked Fallon better though so he decided to go over on Fallon's invite.

"Fuck," Corbyn's voice spoke somewhat loudly as there was no other volume to compete with. He didn't even react to saying what he did as Fallon descended from the staircase. Smiling at the boy with her Halloween makeup making her look beaten up and all. Corbyn just liked her the way she was, scary makeup or not.

"Go get your girl," Zach whispered pushing him to the bottom of the staircase right as Fallon met up with him, the other girls trailing behind as they exchanged nudges to the way Corbyn was looking at their friend.

"Uh-- you look-- um... Fal," Corbyn got stuck on his words as the girl gave him a small smile.

"Thank you, Corbyn Matthew," she smiled at him. He couldn't smile back as he continued to gaze at the girl. Her eyes were the stars for him. "Are you okay?"

He didn't speak as his heartbeat picked up just by the presence of Fallon.

"Corbyn," she waved a hand in front of his fact, him finally looking away.

"I-- yeah," he nodded his head slowly as his heart rate calmed down as she placed a hand on his arm.

"Are you sure? You are a little red," she was so oblivious to it all it pained Corbyn to watch. It hurt watching the girl he loved close herself off. She was his dream, awake and asleep, she was the girl he thought about twenty-four seven.

"I'm- I'm fine," Corbyn nodded quickly, Fallon sent him a smile which he sent back as their friends watched helplessly.


"Fallon, it's so nice to see you," Hannah squealed in such a fake voice that even Corbyn cringed from beside Fallon as he wrapped an arm around her so fluently it passed off as they'd been doing it for years.

"Yeah, I would say the same," Fallon faked a sincere laugh as Hannah smiled at her.

"So did you ever go to Columbia? That was your dream after all," Hannah laughed slightly. Fallon grew jealous of the rest of the group that just got to walk off as Fallon and Corbyn were left to speak with the girl Fallon despised.

"How's UCLA treating you?" Fallon asked as she got closer to Corbyn as she noticed the looks Hannah gave him.

"I go to USC actually," Hannah smiled a bittersweet smile as she took the sincerity from her voice, "How's raising a teenager?"

Fallon let out a small scoff as Corbyn took the lead this time, "Ayla doesn't need raising too much from what I see. She actually does the lights for our concerts, it was how Fallon and I met actually."

Fallon bit her lip and nodded as she stared up at Corbyn, silently thanking him.

"I do have to say, you picked someone awfully cute, you two meeting each other must have been as cute as him," she smiled, she stuck a hand out to Corbyn. "I'm Hannah, Fallon and I used to play softball together."

"I've heard stories," Corbyn laughed awkwardly as he took her hand, "I'm Corbyn. Um... we actually met at Fallon's house when we were asking permission to have Ayla on tour with us."

"Really? You had to ask Fallon?" Hannah questioned with a small laugh. "Normally you do stuff and she just goes along with it. Isn't that how you lost your virginity so young, Fal?"

"Not that young," Fallon shot back at her, the bold in her voice wearing off.

Corbyn noticed as he placed a kiss on her forehead. A simple gesture, but that was what made it perfect. The simplicity of it.

"Fifteen, right?" Hannah questioned with a small smirk on her face. She stirred any trouble she could with Fallon and it was nice to know she hasn't changed.

"Yeah, you were a senior when you lost yours, right? To my ex?" Fallon questioned, it might have made it slightly better if she had the normal Fallon sass that she has now.

"Yeah, he was a good boyfriend for a while... to me at least. It always did confuse me how he was so sweet but you always would end up in a screaming match in the yard every night. I hope that your relationship at the moment is better than that by so much."

Again it was the sincerity in her voice that caught Fallon... and Corbyn for that matter. Ayla mentioned a few arguments but by the look on the girl's face, both girls actually. There was a lot more to the story.

Hannah gave Fallon a tight smile as she excused herself to go talk to a few old friends and new.

"We gonna talk about that..." Corbyn trailed off in a question, Fallon just breathed out a laugh.

"Hell, no," she muttered, she looked up to his eyes and gave him a cheesy smile, "You wanna get drinks?"

Corbyn nodded as he followed her to the kitchen, Fallon needing a drink because of Hannah and Corbyn needing one because of Fallon.

𝟾 𝙻𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜 - 𝙲𝚘𝚛𝚋𝚢𝚗 𝙱𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚘𝚗Where stories live. Discover now