Falcon Feathers (Chapter 13)

Start from the beginning

"I have an idea." I said. "I will fire a shot and you hit the wall at the same time. That should give us a long enough delay to get inside."

"Ready when you are" Moses said cocking his right arm back. I charged up another cyclone shot. I let it loose and Moses struck. We dashed into the barrier as it started to reform. I heard a raptor cry as Gagan swooped in as the barrier finished closing.

"How nice of you to join us" I said as Gagan alighted on my arm.

"I was curious what you guys were up to" he said aloud.

"Let's go" I said jumping up to the wall. I gave moses a hand. I looked around and noticed that the shield had a dark blue color. (It must be so people don't accidentally go outside) PROBABLY.

We crept along the wall heading towards the nearest rampart. Jumping down from the ledge, we crept up to the window. Inside there was the caster and his two guards.

"Ready?" I asked as I formed two small twisters in my hands.

"Ready" said Moses.

He lunged and kicked the door down. I dashed after him. I lept over Moses and hurled one of the twisters at the guards. They were blown onto the caster, breaking his focus. I threw the other one at them. The cyclone picked them up and carried them out of the room and over the wall. We ran outside and saw them on the ground lying a few feet from one another. The caster tried getting up but lost his balance fell down.

"I don't think they'll be getting up for a while" Moses said.

"Look" I said pointing to the shield. The dark blue color turned to a lighter shade. TWO MORE TO GO.

"C'mon" I said and headed towards the main building.


Will's POV

"This shield is pretty tough" I said jump kicking it.

"Yeah" said Angel.

"M'lady, it would seem that an exceptional force would be needed to break it" Dante said.

"Yeah I figured as much. And stop calling me that." she replied.

"Well I'm out of ideas." I said.

"M'lady, if I might make a suggestion, I believe that your flame cloak paired with your lance should be able to pierce the shield if you had enough momentum. Why not just use your exploding lance technique?" said Dante.

"Well yeah but I can't ever get enough speed to pull that move off" Angel said.

"Speed huh?" I said and smiled

"Yeah. Wait, I don't like that look on your face." said Angel.

"I just have an idea, that's all" I said innocently.

"An idea? Let's hear it" she said leaning on her lance.

"Alright, I'll show you" I said and lifted her into the sky.

"Oh my god Will what the hell are you doing?" she squealed.

"Breaking the shield. You said you needed speed. Duh" I said.

"Let go of me!" she screamed.

"Don't look down" I said. Of course she looked.

"Oh my god. Put me down this instant!" she yelled.

"Ok" I said and let go.

"AAIIIIEEEEYYYYY" she screamed.

"Use the cloak!" I yelled. As she fell flames swirled around her and formed crimson armor. Her lance's tip burst into flames that streteched over her body. She looked like a meteor. I dove down after her as she broke through the shield. She kept falling right into the roof of one of the ramparts. The whole roof collapsed.

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