Here, Batter, Batter!

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 Ha! You can't pin Jotaro Kujo into a corner! 

  "Oh,ho."Kakyoin smiled softly and he chuckled, he flicked the taller's nose. "We'll see about that." 

    ‘Wait 'til he finds out one of the leading roles is female.’  Kakyoin thought to himself. ‘We’ll see how long that mask of yours will last you.’

 “Classes are about to start. I’ll be seeing you later.” Kakyoin waved, his fingers moving as he walked away. “J-o-t-a-r-o.” He paused. “San.” 

  The baseball player glared holes into Kakyoin, he growled under his breath. "Once this is over: he is the first guy I beat the shit out of on Monday." He spun upon his heel, and stormed into the hallway - shoving aside other unsuspecting students. 


   It was after school, in the auditorium. Already, the passionate young actors were getting ready. Testing out their vocals, doing stretches. Their French-forgien director was waiting for his favorite student, and he was easy to spot. Kakyoin's red hair made him stick out like a sore thumb. Mr.Polneraff, or more commonly called, Mr.Pol, ran over to the teenager. 

  "Kakyoin! Tell me! Tell me he took the bait! I had to pay those extra girls cash to have them bug him this morning!" The man paused, "If he didn't take the bait then I will expect you to cover both parts!"

    “But he did! He wants the lead role, he just doesn’t know what play or character. He likes to keep digging himself into holes.” Kakyoin nearly laughed.

 Polnareff smiled. “Interesting. I just might give him that role then. That is, if he can act decently enough. This could ruin my rep, y’know.” He sighed. “But maybe we could definitely work with him.”

  The star actor shook his head, "Don't worry, he can act. He's been keeping up this bad boy persona for years."

  Announcing his presence, Jotaro slammed open the doors. People who had once been focusing on practicing, froze in place. Particularly, the females. Whispers spread like wildfire as the male stormed up to Polneraff, still wearing his baseball shoes, having practiced with his team before coming. It was surprising that he wasn't late. He extended his hand. 

  "Give me the script and let's get this shit over with."he blew a bubble, having been chewing gum. Jotaro popped it. 

  Polneraff frowned, "First off: no gum. Spit it out, Kujo. Secondly: I say when you get to act. Sit down, and wait your turn." The director stood up and he clapped his hands trying to keep a smirk off his face. 

"For your indecent behavior, you'll go last. Jenny and Matt! You're up first!"

  Glaring and clearly irritated he spat out his gum into a nearby trashcan. The dark-haired male was tempted to dig his cleats into Kakyoin's shin. He considered it for a good moment before slumping down into a seat. 

    Kakyoin took the empty seat next to him, grinning. He looked over to him, whispering. “Come here often?” Kakyoin was wanting a reaction out of him, a casual fight.

 Jotaro only sighed, trying his very best to ignore him. Kakyoin let it go, watching his club members and classmates try out for roles. “Say Jotaro, you don’t know what you’re supposed to be doing right?” The redhead handed him his own script. Kakyoin pointed at the middle. “This is the second lead role. I’m the other lead role.” Once again, he waited for the shock, which he had been waiting for all day, to settle into Jotaro’s face.

 He stared, and reread the name of the character over and over. Rebecca. A female. He looked at the male beside him, searching for the joke - the punchline. The rest of the pairs seemed to be male and female. He grit his teeth, this he couldn't stand for. 

 "Mr.Polneraff!"he called out and the director turned his attention away from the pair that was auditioning. "Is this some kind of joke?"he slammed down the script in front of the French man. 

 "Oh, you auditioning for a female role? No. Not at all. We are actors! The form and shape of our bodies can't stop us! There are no restrictions to who we can become!"the man stood up and smirked, "But if you're too scared to try and play a female role, then by all means Kujo - leave." 

 The male gaped and he grit his teeth. He dug his cleats into the floor - leaving grooves. Jotaro spun  around storming back to his seat- he purposely bumped shoulders with Kakyoin. A silent warning of what was to come. He opened the script that he had grabbed while he had been up there. He began to read over the lines fuming. 

    Kakyoin would have normally fought back, noting taking shit from anyone, but he let it slide and regained his composure, which was something Jotaro couldn’t do as it seems. Polnareff turned over to Kakyoin. “You’re turn.” 

    Kakyoin eagerly went on the stage, rehearsing his lines from memory proficiently, maybe a word or two amiss. He came down with the biggest smile on his face and made it back to his seat. He looked over at his new member. “Having fun yet, because after the next one, you’re up.”

  Blue eyes stared back at him, voids of silent rage that was barely contained. Jotaro growled, as his name was called he tossed his script at the redhead. "I'm going to blow you out of the water." He wasn't worried about the single-audition. It was the scene he would be forced to perform with Kakyoin. Jotaro stepped onto the stage, and his aura - changed. His features softened. The scene was about the female lead trying to wrap her head around who she was. It was chosen to be a jest. 

 Polneraff leaned forwards, but the moment Jotaro began- the smirk of amusement fell. The male was outstanding. Outlandishly so. Everyone there stared taken aback. With a grin of triumph he bowed, storming back down the steps. 

    Polnareff clapped. “Good work everyone! No go home! I’m tired- Ah Kakyoin!I need to see you for a moment.” Everyone went out, grumbling. Jotaro had left last, slowly leaving as he watched the two of them talk, but hardly hearing them.

    “It had worked out better than I thought, thanks alot!” Kakyoin started with. Polnareff smiled. “Not a problem. Seems like my work paid off. You and Jotaro will play the lead roles.” 

    Kakyoin felt excitement rush through his veins. He knew this was gonna happen but to hear it made him quite happy. “I’ll see you tomorrow! Mr. Polnareff!” 

    “See you!” Polnareff replied as kakyoin went out, going home excited for tomorrow. 


  Students were buzzing around the cast-list for this year's production. There was a lot to talk about, specifically the strange casting choices made by the director. Jotaro stormed over easily making his way through the crowd, his height and reputation allowing him to forge his way through. He scanned the cast list. 

Rebecca - Jotaro Kujo 

His voice bounced off the walls, "WHAT THE FUCK!"  The male spun around utterly blinded with rage, "NORIAKI KAKYOIN! YOU'RE A DEAD MAN! DEAD YOU HEAR ME!" 

From somewhere in the crowd, he heard cackling laughter. Kakyoin made his way to Jotaro. Unable to control his laughter for that moment, he regained his composer a bit. 

“You did well. It’ll be fun working with you!” He smiled. “Try to change Mr. Polnareff's mind. It’s rather impossible, good luck. But hey you got a main role.” His smile turned into a shit-eatting grin.

 “Just. Like. You. Wanted. I got a class to go to. See you!”

“Damn that bastard.” Jotaro clenched his fist, angry and not knowing what to do. He just sighed and went to class. "Gimme' a damn break…."

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