Chapter 16: Dance Your Fears Away

Start from the beginning

"That's me," Paul explained behind her.

"I can see that,"she said attempting not to look nervous, nor angry. "the McCartneys have talent for blood."

"He's good, isn't he?" He said joining her side, and also looking at the pictures.

She took a moment to think, think on if she should say what she, ultimately said, "He is, he was able to capture another side of you, he even took away your arrogant smirk." She didn't wait for a replay, she turned and walked away.

He arrogantly smirked.

Minutes later, everyone joined in one of the rooms, that was turned into a dining hall, and they left some space for dancing. She sat at the table with George, Lizzy and her parents, one aunt and her brother. Ella had forgotten about Lucas. Luckily, her friends had made her join the conversation, so for sometime she managed to avoid the awkwardness of talking to him.

When they brought the dessert, George invited Lizzy to the dance floor, the band had started to play some Elvis's songs.

"I like your hair," Lucas struggled to say, he didn't want to shout but he did, "Ella! I said I like your hair today."

She had tried to ignored him, but she had never been miss rudeness, and she hated that, "thanks."

"Did Lizzy told you about me and Olive?"

"I'm sorry, what is it?!" The shouting crowd, singing to the song the band was playing, made it impossible to talk, so he moved his chair closer to her.

"I tried to ask you if Lizzy told you that I ended my engagement."

"I'm sorry to hear that," she said, with that tone people do, when they have no intention on continuing a conversation.

"Yeah, well don't be, she was a stupid girl, better for me to stay away."

It took a lot of strength not to roll her eyes, "it is what it is,"

"That's it!" He exclaimed, hitting her shoulder softly with the index finger, "and you?"

"I've been studying, and working also." Ella replied, as she looked at her friend and George dancing.

"What I meant is, how is your love life." He moved his face to the right, to block her view and make him look at him, "I guess quite a lone one, we share the same luck."

"I'm ok like that," she smiled, and stood up "Hope to see you soon Lucas, I have to leave now," she put on her coat, said her goodbyes to Lizzy's family and left the table where they were sitting; she walked through the dancing crowd, to tell her friend that she had to leave, it was a bit difficult because they were playing  Baby, You've Got What It Takes. Once Lizzy spotted her, Ella waved goodbye, her friend made a sad face but then sent a kiss with her hand, George must've felt relieved when he turned to see that her dancing partner was sending kisses to Ella, and not to another man. Some people bumped into her, and after a few "sorry" some one grabbed her hand, she saw Paul inviting her to dance, she didn't listen when he asked, but she supposed so when he didn't let her go and began to move to the music. She finally got closer to him and said to his ear, that she was leaving.

"Just one song Miss Marroco," he invited, "I swear I'll be the less annoying version of me as I can be,"

She felt awkward dancing with her heavy coat on, but she moved a little to the song, letting Paul know that she agreed, "that'd be a first,"

"I saw you're friends with Lucas again," he said, not getting any answer he continued, "is he's still as boring, or has he changed in the past few months?"

"Not every one can be as fun and fantastic as you Mr. McCartney," she answered with obvious sarcasm, and an acted posh accent.

He grabbed her back, and danced to the song, making her move to the tune, he made her twirl from left to right, and right to left; she could've tripped, but he grabbed her hand tight. He pulled her closer, and trying to make her laugh he sang in a fake voice to the song.

The song finished, and everybody applauded for the band.

"You're a great dancer," she had to acknowledge,

"am I , well.... so?"

She continue dancing with him to the next song, "so ? what about?"

"C'mon, you can't possibly tell me you've changed your mind about him... unless you have," he looked at her closely.

Her annoyance in her eyes made him draw back, "Don't Paul, you promised."

" Sorry, you're right, give me another chance." He offered his hand as the song Take Good Care of my Baby played.

She saw her friend was smiling at her while dancing with George, so she decided to pretend, "Just this one more," and Ella danced with him, for less than half of the song, Paul had taken her closer, and a feeling of wanting to hold him even closer came to her mind, she got frightened. She grabbed both of his hands, and she muttered, "I have to go now."

Ella walked out of the place, and while she did that Paul reached her and asked if she was heading to Mendips.

"Great! Let me go with you."


"I have to talk to John, I'll pay the bus, that's for annoying you, my bad." He continued to walk along her. For several minutes they walked along in silence.

Then she asked, "did your brother make any money today? With his photographs?"

"Quite a lot, he even sold mine, he's got a copy of it if you want it." He suggested with a cheeky smile.

"Thank you, but seeing you often is more than enough."

They rode the bus in silence also, Paul saw two old friends and began to talk to them, he introduced them to Ella, but she never joined the conversation. They got off the bus, and walked to the house, that was the moment Paul felt a bit braver and finally confessed how horrible he felt.

"I understand now my hurtful words, it was not fair to you, and neither to our relati- um.. friendship."

She knew they were about to turned to her street, so she walked in a slower pace, "Yes, well... I guess that's who you are. I was wrong for taking it that personal."

"But I'm not..."he stopped himself, but he was like that, he had just done that to her, "I'm truly sorry Ella,"

She sighed, "Yes, I guess," she tried not to worry more about it, but then something else to worry about, as they walked to the front of John's house she saw him there, her heart sank and her blood felt cold in her body. "It can't be."

This man spotted her with Paul, he waved, "Finally you're here. Who's he?"

John, who was outside and beside him said, "That's her husband." He continued fixing an old bike.

"He's John's friend, Paul... Paul this is my stepbrother Jeremy." she corrected and introduced them.

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