"My prince is already taken" She says and I look back to her heartbroken face. I don't know a lot about her love life since she seems very private about that topic. But I do know she has a huge crush on a guy that belongs to someone else. She does not like to talk about it and I understand. I try not to push her but I know she is suffering and I hate it. Sun has become a fast friend and I don't know if its because she is younger than me or because she seems so delicate or maybe is because I am a mother. But I feel the need to protect her. To be honest thats how I feel about the other girls. I know Min and Hae are older but I still feel like I want to protect them from any type of heartbreak or hardship and what can I say about Ella. She owns Mia's heart and mine.

"Chin up girl, something better will come along" I say hoping my words will come true. I am met by her sweet smile and I think she feels the same way.

Suddenly we hear Mia cry and I turn back to see her on the floor and her cry is like nothing I have heard before. I get up quickly to pick her up from the floor and once I get closer I notice a big bruise on her forehead. Before I can process what just happened I feel Yoongi behind me. Mia cries non stop and I don't know what to do to make her feel better. I move her bangs to look closer at the bruise and I notice it getting bigger.

"The baby hit table" Jun says running scared towards Sun. Between Mia's loud cry I hear Sun tell Yoongi that Mia probably hit her head on the coffee table and it make sense but at this moment I can't think of anything else. All I care about is my little girl crying like the world is going to end. I do my best to calm her down rocking her back and forth to no use.

"Calm down baby, you will be ok" I say kissing Mia's head but she seems to cry even harder. I feel useless not being able to calm my girl and I try to hold back from breaking. I turn to Yoongi expecting him to be freaked out as the last time she was sick but this time he is calm and for some reason I feel like he is the anchor in my sinking ship.

"Joon-ah can you please get Ella?" Yoongi asks but his question is more of an order than anything else. "Hoba get me some ice and Jimin-ah go into my room and get her blanket and binky." He continues the orders and the guys follow without hesitation. Before I can say anything Yoongi takes Mia from me as the guys huddle around him. Yoongi takes Mia's blanket from Jimin and covers the ice placing it on Mia's forehead. Namjoon comes back within a second with a very worried looking Ella but just like Yoongi she takes over the situation and eventually calms Mia down enough to examine her injury. I stand there still frozen over what just happened and more than anything I am in awe of my surroundings. The way everyone got together to take care of Mia without any type of hesitation or second though has really blown me away. While I froze they all moved and got everything my daughter needed.

"Momma you ok over there, you seem a little pale" I hear Ella ask once Mia has stopped crying.

"Yes, it's just the first time she gets injured like this. I was really scared" I say surprised at my bold honesty.

"Nothing to worry about. She is all good now and I think she misses her mom" Ella says matter of fact and my eyes jump to Mia who seems to be stretching her arms towards me. I smile finally feeling my heart calm down. I take Mia in my arms and she seems to be back to her happy self. I look around to notice all the guys have huddle around us and I see their worried face go back to normal. This moment right now makes me realize that they truly care for Mia.

"I can finally breathe" Sun says taking a deep breath and I look in her direction to see little Jun is sitting on her lap and his face still looks scared.

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