Chapter 12 [Save Me]

Start from the beginning

“You’re taking their side?! Don’t be a fucking traitor Alex!” he chided viciously.

“You’ve known me long enough to know that I will never betray my family!” I spat as I pushed him away. He hits the wall with such force that it cracked.

I stormed out of our mansion and headed to Blue Feather Street, not taking the risk to wait for Brad to get up and try to stop me again.

As I ran through the vast dark forest, different emotions flooded into my mind. Relief of finally knowing where Gwen is, Happy because I’m going to see her beautiful face again, Sadness of the fact that she’s in a life and death situation, Guilt of the taught that I was the one who put her there and Shame of the memory of me shooting her at that full moon. I pray that she could forgive me… Hell I can’t figure out how I can even forgive myself!

After all that, Gwen might have despised me. She’ll think I’ve betrayed her, I set her up and tricked her through everything. But I never did, everything I felt for her was real. I never felt like this before and she’s the only one who could make me feel this indescribable comfort.

This epic sensation of her being right by my side, the stunning relief of all the chaos in my life fading away when we make our playful conversations, infinite pleasure when she touches my skin and the feeling of being so alive when I my ears relish her spectacular laugh.

Please don’t let Gwen die. I reached the abandoned house I noticed that the metallic door is broken. So I just entered, there was no light. I tried to find the switch through touching the dusty walls. Finally, I switched it, the lights opened. The room was empty I saw blood stains everywhere, the walls and floors. And there are broken pieces of wood everywhere. I saw an open jail cell on the side, I saw shed fur in it…

RED FUR! GWEN’S HAIR! I broke down on my knees. I touched the sleek dead fur that littered the floor, she was here. A look of determination filled my stormy blue eyes. I got to find her!

I bolted through door by door of this long eerie hall way that seem to hold many jail cells like an actual high security prison. I slammed each door shut with frustration. Where is she?! I opened the second to the last door and froze in terror at the sight I saw…

It’s Heather! Glaring directly at me with those intimidating blue eyes, our eyes are almost the same but mine doesn’t hold such complete coldness and atrociousness as hers.

“What are you doing here Alex?” she asked with a firm deadpan on her face.

“Where’s Gwen?” I retorted with equal seriousness in my voice.

“If you try and save her, it means you’re taking their side. The werewolves, those miserable disgusting mutts that already caused too much trouble for us.”

“I don’t care and I’ll never be a traitor. So just tell me where she is so I could get on with my unending life.” I carelessly responded.

“I can’t let you do that brother. If the Endeavors find out that a Lowell is alive, they would kill dad.” She said, I was surprised to see her use this card. Using the safety of her family for the first time to convince me to stop doing something she doesn’t like. She usually uses the death threat instead of the guilt trip.

“And they won’t. As far as everyone knows, she’s a Coen. She’s been doing fine for 8 years.”

“I can’t risk that.” She threatened tensely.

I turned around and headed to the last door. Heather promptly appeared in front of me, covering the metal door.

“Get out of my way.” I demanded, my glare growing tighter.

My life as a werewolf... wait! he's a vampire?!Where stories live. Discover now