[26] ✽ Weird Feelings ✽

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Without rational thinking your quick steps led you to almost bump into someone walking the opposite way to you.

"Oh, I am sorry. Are you okay?"

Considering your rage you should have walked away without any answer but you stopped, a weird feeling of deja vu washing over you as the voice seemed familiar.

You looked up, eyes widening in shock as the person smiled at you warmly. The sudden appearance of this person twitched some suspicions as you remembered back the last incident.


His smile seemed to widen as he took in your expressions.

"Honoured to have you remembering me Yuna."

You almost scoffed, wanting to smack his head at the very moment. The anger for your boss turned into double fury for him as he seemed to not notice your feelings for him.

Though Jin was not someone close, you weirdly trusted him because he had put his life in danger while trying to help someone. How could someone like him betray you?

"Excuse me, I have to leave."

You wanted to run from his presence because he reminded the traumatic past you have, repeatedly. The warm feeling when you first met him dissolved into cold feelings now, as he broke your trust.

"Wait Yuna, is Jungkook still in there?"

You looked at him, wondering why he wanted to meet your boss. To discuss your personal life like gossip over coffee?

"Maybe. You can check it yourself."

Without giving him another chance to talk you walked away urging that he would leave you alone. Your behaviour seemed rude but you couldn't help it.

Though he was handsome or an important person, you didn't permit anyone like them to do a background check on you.


Entering the lift, you pressed the ground floor and waited to reach your destination. The time seemed to go slow as you impatiently tapped your foot, hoping to leave this particular building because it felt suffocating right now.

The door opened shortly and you hurried out for the exit but Sunmi noticed you and waved like an excited kid, her bright smile almost making you forget your current mood as you walked towards the reception table.

"Are you going home now?"

"Yeah, Mr Jeon has something to do but dismissed me for the day. I guess he-"

Your eyes scanned the building as you spoke and before you noticed, you had already stopped talking halfway when something or rather, someone caught your eye.

Forgetting about Sunmi for the moment, your whole focus was on the tall and bulked visitor who made his way for the lift. Carefully you watched the person stride ahead, his natural light-red curves bouncing along as he hurriedly walked into the elevator.

It was no doubt that you knew that person and spend countless time with him but the fact that he had no affiliation with this company made his presence more suspicious.

What was he doing here?

He stood stiffly with his hands stuffed into his jean pockets and you could not help but think whom the person was about to meet. The whole time he never noticed your stare as you doubted yourself again.

As you stood there trying to figure out if the person was him, the last thing you saw was his pale arms before the metal entrance closed off with a ding.

"Miss Yuna-?"

"Oh sorry, I thought I saw someone just now." You said, trying to sound convincing.

"Someone? But no one is here."

"Maybe I was wrong. Anyways, see you tomorrow Sunmi."

She bowed and you bowed back before making your way out of the huge building, goosebumps creeping up your whole body as different thoughts crossed your mind.

You had to find out why the person was here,

Because you remember the pale skin and light red hair very vividly.

Hello everyone! Sorry for the late update, classes had taken away all my time but I will try to update soon

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Hello everyone! Sorry for the late update, classes had taken away all my time but I will try to update soon. Please do tell me your thoughts, who is that person? ;)

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