The Line Between Love and Lust

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They knew almost everything about each other. From favorite food to more obscure details that didn't really seem to matter. Yet, one major details Kakyoin always left out. Jotaro- had no idea what role the redhead played. He took to many suppressants, even during the middle of mating season he gave off no pheromones. For a while, the taller male had suspected him to be an omega, like him, hiding his identity. But he had thrown that put the window after seeing Noriaki flirt and fluster girls in the hallway. Alpha or beta, it was hard to tell.

But Jotaro, despite all his denial, always hoped Noriaki was an alpha. He had these foolish dreams of being mates, a perfect match. But the redhead's stubbornness was worse than his companions and no matter how many times Jotaro asked, the sly male never gave him an answer.

Jotaro tossed his cigarette away. "Mating season already? Damnit. My leeches will be all over me, stinking of their pheromones."

Noriaki laughed,"Not to mention the whole school will reek with those douche-bags who don't take suppressants. Alphas reek."

The dark-haired male shurgged, "You know maybe we should try it once - not taking our pills. See how many people we can round up dying to be bred."

His friend shook his head and gave him a playful glare, elbowing him. "Jotaro! That's cruel...but I like it. How about we start today: my pills runs out at 12 anyways."

"I was just joking."his blue eyes widened and he gulped st the very thought. It wasn't that he couldn't fend off alphas, or beta's who thought they could get handsy. He could control himself as well when effected by others phenomenon. It was Noriaki he was worried about. Would he be able to control him around the goregoures redhead?  Someone he could always lean on. Could he resist his instincts that had been so pent up - for so long? Jotaro swallowed.

He didn't think he could.

Kakyoin rolled his eyes and placed his hands on his hip, voice a growl. "What - are you chicken?"

"You know, thats isn't how you convince people to do things,"the taller tossed away his ciggerate. "Calling them cowards, that is."

"Chicken-Chicken!" Noriaki began to sing in a high-pitched voice. It was amazing how mature the male was at one moment and how immature he could be at the next. Jotaro simply huffed at him, and chuckled- before a scent wafted over him. The overpowering scent of female omegas in heat. He gagged on it. They all smelled so frilly. It was as if someone was stuffing flowers up his nose. Though, he guessed they would smell great to an alpha. His first instinct was to chase them away - get rid of the competition. Subconsciously he stepped closer to his redhaired friend who watched with amusement as Jotaro was assaulted by his fangirls.

They grabbed onto his arms and pressed themselves up agaisnt him. Some got into all out fights as they tried to be the first ones to rubs their scent all over him. The taller male growled, which seemed to only spurr them on as he pulled the brim of his hat down. He clenched his fists to his sides nostrils flaring.

"You know - asshole,"he called out. "You could help!"

"Absolutely not, I'm waiting for an alpha female to come and take a bite out of these girls." The redhead laughed, "And you look really cute straining yourself."

"Sadistic douchebag..."JoJo mumbled to himself and then his eyebrows shot up, as a screech came from across the courtyard. Their school - would be holding special events all month long in order to help promote safe mating. All sorts of stupid things like that, from lectures to dances. The reason being: not really to help students- but because they couldn't ever run class like this - with horny teenagers practically pouncing on each other. Which meant, that girls were scrambling to get dates to festivals and dances.

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