Chapter 85 Separated Ways

Start from the beginning

Nhazul: Your lap?

Aigis: Yes, please....

Nhazul then looked at Aigis and then did what she asked and laid down on her lap and she looked down at Nhazul and was instantly reminded of that day and she then started to rub Nhazul's hair and smiled.

Aigis's thoughts: Minako

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Aigis's thoughts: Minako...I promise to keep your little brother safe...No matter what.

Aigis then started to tell Nhazul about her time with Minako, her teaching her the the concept of life, and her confused feelings towards herself at the time, Minako's sacrifice that resulted in her death to seal away the being known as Nyx. That fact that she was there along with the others in her final moments. As well as things that she had learned from the others that Minako had done with them. And as Aigis continued to talk about Minako, he couldn't help but tear up as well as smile from all the stories with her sister and as he continued to listen, the more he wanted to see these places for himself.

Nhazul: Hey, Aigis.

Aigis: Yea?

Nhazul: Big sis spent that year of her life at Tatsumi Port Island, right?

Aigis: Correct. Why do you ask?

Nhazul: Because I've decided on something I want to do.


It's been a few days and currently everyone as at Leblanc hanging out after Ryuji had told them that he something he needed to tell them.

Sojiro: You sure you want me hanging around? I can step out for a bit if you like?

Ryuji: No, I'd prefer you stick around...Everyone I owe something to has gotta hear this. ...I'm thinking about moving away.

Everyone then looked at Ryuji surprised.

Haru: Moving?

Akira: What do you mean?

Ryuji: It's just, a helluva lot's happened this past year, y'know? It's gotten me thinking about the future...And how I still wanna get back on the track team. That's why I wanna move closer to a physical rehab facility, to get my knee fixed up while going to school...At the earliest, all this is gonna kick off starting next month.

Yusuke: I see...That is quite sudden.

Nhazul: Guess you've been thinking about this for awhile now.

Ann: ...

Yusuke: Ann?

Ann: Actually, I've got some news too...I'm in the middle of looking into studying abroad- just short term. I've been wondering what would be the smartest move for my career, so...

Everyone then looked at Ann surprised.

Yusuke: You're moving too?

Makoto: Both Haru and I are looking for places to live on our own starting next month. In fact, our moves will probably occur around the same time as Ryuji's.

Haru: I plan to keep learning about the business while also attending college. That's why Mako and I were taking about how we won't be able to get together like we used to.

Sojiro then looked at Futaba.

Sojiro: You gonna tell them too?

Everyone then looked at Futaba.

Futaba: Um...So... I passed the entrance exam! I'm gonna be a high schooler starting in April. First high school, then college...Then, I can finally research cognitive psience for real.

Yusuke: Even you, Futaba?

Nhazul: Well, I guess it's my turn now.

Everyone then looked at Nhazul.

Nhazul: I'm going to be moving away too.

Everyone then looked at Nhazul surprised.

Akira: You are?

Makoto: You never mentioned that to me before.

Nhazul: Well, it's something I've been thinking about for awhile after I talked with Aigis. I want to go to Tatsumi Port Island and attend Gekkoukan High School. Just like Minako did. I want to see and experience the same things she did before she died. That and when I mentioned it to Mitsuru, she offered me a spot in her organization as a reserve member. Yukari and Aigis share an apartment there and they offered a place to live, so I'll be moving soon as well.

Everyone then looked at Nhazul surprised and Yusuke spoke up.

Yusuke: Even Nhazul as well...No..I apologize. I should be wishing you all the best of luck...

Futaba: Nah, you do have a point...We are going out separate ways...

Akira: That shouldn't matter. We'll all still be connected.

Nhazul: Right. No matter how far apart we are.

Ryuji: Oh, you mean the bonds we all have? That's a good point!

Yusuke: It seems you're all taking great strides forward. I, however, will not be going anywhere until I've completed my current painting. No matter how many years it will take, I will express this feeling that's grown within me since we first banded together.

Ryuji: That's still some kinda stride though , ain't it?

Morgana: No matter what we go through, or how many times we may stumble, we'll follow the path we believe in...That's what the Phantom Thieves are all about!

Futaba: Stop trying to be such a cool cat!

Nhazul: Correction, cool Pikachu.

Morgana: I give up...

Ryuji: There's no way I'm accepting Doc's reality, but if it weren't for goin through that, I dunno if I woulda felt this way now. It's like following through with what I wanna do in life... I guess I learned how to really believe in my future?

Ann: In that case, wouldn't you say Sumire learned the same thing? I mean, she is at training camp right now.

Yusuke: Indeed. While her viewpoint may differ from the Phantom Thieves's beliefs, there's still much we can learn from her.

Nhazul: Couldn't agree more.

Sojiro: Well, I'm very impressed. You've all become quite mature. So let me throw you a little celebration in honor of the next chapters of your lives. Order whatever you'd like, on me.

Makoto: Thank you.

Nhazul: Oh, you're gonna regret that decision.

(A/N) Alright, we are nearly at the finale of Smile, next week will be the final few chapters so look forward to that. So like always, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and thank you for reading.

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