Chapter 49: Coughing Blood

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"God the two are so cute together. We should like print this out and pin it up."

"Now now Raven. I don't think they would want to be reminded of the fact that they were married in a hospital whereby Lexa is sick and she wouldn't want to be reminded of it in future since she's suffering." Abby states as the girls pick up from the diner nearby.

The boys were sitting outside talking near the car, while the girls decided they would head in and order food for the rest. Clarke must be hungry and Lexa too deserved some food in her system despite the fact that she was in pain from her mild heart attack. So the diner was the closest option they had and ordering food was quick there. No one wanted to go home yet even Jake and Abby were in need of a shower and also a change of clothes since they haven't actually left the hospital since arriving there the night Lexa had been admitted. Abby knew that Jaha had already ordered in a heart but were waiting for Lexa to at least have some strength back before going in to operate on her and so she was hopeful that things would go smoothly.

"So basically all were waiting for is Lexa to get slightly better before she can go for operation?" Anya asked the older Griffin.

"It is risky to operate on her now for she is too weak and that if we did any surgeries on her now, it would be a 50/50 chance she would survive. A person's body can only take so much even though for a person like Lexa who is healthy and strong, things still could go wrong in that operating room if were not careful."

"Jesus. No wonder they always used to exaggerate on the show."

"What show are we talking about Raven?" Octavia asks.

"Oh come on. We used to sit there for hours watching reruns on Greys Anatomy." Raven muses.

"Honey, Greys Anatomy is a show. This is real life were talking about." Abby emphasises on the fact and Raven all but groans and mumbles.

"Come on peeps. Let's get back to the two lovebirds. Hopefully their not dry humping each other or having sex in a bloody hospital. That's like level 100 kinky on my big sisters list. She won't even touch a strap on for god sakes."

"Your sister at least has some decency to herself rather me having to pass the hallway at night and listen to two hungry and horny wolves in the bedroom. As least rabbits are quiet."

Raven all but laughs at Abby's comment, Octavia bursts out laughing into tears and Anya all but hides her face in her jacket to avoid having the rest of the world see her flustered face. After collecting the food, they 5 of them make their way back to the car, only for Jake to pull Abby aside to speak with her.

"I just go off the phone with Clarke. She's hysterical. Lexa started coughing up blood and Jaha took her in for surgery. It's bad."

Abby doesn't wait a second longer and bolts into the car, startling the girls and driving off down the road. "Mama G? What's wrong?"

Raven looked at Anya and Octavia who was completely shocked and lost as well as to why Abby had a change of attitude in just a short amount of time. Abby gripped the wheel hard, driving down the road at lightning speed. She didn't want to break the news to Anya for her older sister was in a bad situation and that she didn't want Anya breaking down now that Clarke was hysterical.

"Mama G... please... is there something wrong? Please if this is about Lexa, I deserve to know." Anya begged, Raven gripping Anya's shoulders as she moved forward in her seat to grab Abby's shoulder.

"Jake got a call from Clarke. Said that Lexa began coughing up blood. And they prepped her for surgery. Lexa is still so weak and I don't know if she'll make it with her being so weak. I'm hoping her body will be able to take the extensive surgery. Because if she doesn't, Clarke will break."

And that set the mood in the car. Anya's hands began to tremble and Raven pulled her into a hug, letting her girlfriends tears run like the river wild. Octavia had her hand on Anya's shoulders, rubbing it down her arms and back up to soothe the older woman. They were distraught and they could only imagine how Clarke was feeling right now, all alone, sitting and waiting in the room. They were only married an hour ago and Lexa had been taken away from her. Raven felt her heart break. Abby was at a loss of words, not knowing what else to think or do but care for her daughter who was alone. Reaching the parking lot, the girls make their way up first towards the room, finding Clarke staring at the wall, lost in her own world, her tears running down her face but there were no sobs or wails. Just an empty vessel staring into an oblivion. Anya walks in second behind Abby, not knowing what to say or think before standing in front of Clarke and dropping down to her knees.

"Clarke?" Blue eyes shift down to meet brown, and Clarke immediately breaks down into Anya's arms.

"I'm sorry Anya. I'm so sorry. I... she just started coughing up blood and I... I didn't get to tell her how much I love her before they took her away. I'm sorry Anya... for everything."

"She's going to be alright. She's too fucking stubborn to die. Not while she just married your sorry ass." Clarke laughs lightly before nuzzling her face into Anya's neck.

"Please Anya... I can't live without her. I just... can't."

"I know Clarke. I know."

It was already two hours in to the surgery and Clarke had fallen asleep on the chair, Anya sleeping closely by her side. Raven was huddled closely to Anya, having fallen asleep too. Octavia and Lincoln had decided to head back home to get some fresh clothes for Abby and Jake, who were seated in the cafeteria of the hospital, Abby having been forbidded to enter the surgery room to ask how it was going. So far, none of the nurses or Jaha had come by, and none of them had let her in, not wanting her emotional self to be there to watch. Abby may have been the best surgeon, but if it had something to do with family, Abby was forbidded to operate. They sat there quietly, Jakes hand in hers, as they looked at the cup of coffee before them.

"I know you hate not being able to be there in that room to help babe. But Jaha is right. If you head in there all over the place, it would be worse. Not saying that you aren't the best love, but people tend to get nervous around family members. Especially now that Lexa is our daughter in law."

"And our daughter is falling apart because she feels guilty again. And she's wrecking her heart over and over because of the fact that she never got to say those three letter words before they took her away."

Jake sighed heavily. It was heart breaking yes, to know that you never got the chance to say anything to the one you love before being taken away to be saved. Even he couldn't handle such a thing if it came to that point. But his daughter, god how brave she was to still be able to at least fall asleep. It was something Clarke would do to pass time when stressed out for if she did her drawings, it would only work her up even more and her concentration would be on the clock.

"What's the scenarios that could play out in that room?" Jake knew it was bad to ask on such theories but nonetheless, it was something he needed to understand to ensure that he could be prepared for the outcome. Maybe be prepared for Clarke.

"If Lexa was coughing up blood, one of her heart vessels must've burst. It's a possibility for her suffering from Dilated Cardiomyopathy. Secondly, due to that, Lexa could suffer from severe heart failure in which her bad heart needs to be replaced with a good one non medically termed. But with her body being weak, her heart rate drops significantly than normal and it would be tedious from when their switching hearts. And if the artery burst, then..."

"Hey it's okay honey. I know you love her just as much as I love her too. She will get through this."

"It's just sad Jake. Her life. Her mother leaving her. Her father committing suicide because he lost his wife, leaving her to fend for herself and Anya. It's so sad."

"Yet she is the woman she is today. She's strong, beautiful and smart. She will make it."

"I hope so."

Jake kisses his wife's head, repeatedly, his heart aching along with everyone else.


End of Chapter 49

xx Alex

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