Chapter 21: You And Your Games

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Both Clarke and Lexa spent the hour going around the carnival, which was no mini carnival at all for they had rides and lots or artistic stuff around, including games and food. Hand in hand, Lexa brought Clarke over to the artsy side of the carnival, looking at the paintings and jewelry that were laid out for customers to see. Eventually they stumbled upon a stall that were selling friendship bands and Clarke saw two matching bands that had the infinity symbol on them and Clarke insisted that they get it. Lexa only smiled and nodded, her arms having wrapped firmly around her waist. Clarke said that the bands reminded her of Lexa's neck tattoo. After purchasing it, Clarke slid one of it onto Lexa's right hand and Lexa slid the other onto Clarke's right hand. Moving on from there, they go on the ride of the haunted mansion, Clarke screaming her guts out with Lexa as they went through the ride, and they had their scared faces taken off and out of persuasion from Lexa who wanted a photo of a scared Clarke, managed to buy the photo and Lexa kept it with her for memories sake.

Soon enough, they walked down towards the food trucks, Clarke wanting pizza and Lexa wanting burritos for their late lunch. Finding a nice spot on the patches of grass around the carnival, they sat down side by side, facing the world as they ate their lunch. They joked and talked and laughed about everything and anything, just getting to know each other. The sun was nice and warm on their skin, and Lexa laid back into Clarke's chest, Clarke wrapping her arms around Lexa's waist as Lexa talked about her tattoos for she was wearing a simple blouse and black jeans, revealing some of the tattoos on her.

"So what's with the arm tattoo? Did you get that from a tribe or something?"

"Mmmmm yes and no. I was on a business trip with Anya in Africa a few years back and we visited this tribe that was having some festivities or something like that. So of course we joined in for the celebrations and the chief of the village pulled me over to sit by him. So his wife, touched my heart and she looked me in the eye and told me what she saw in me. Said I had a hard life, that I lost someone I loved at a young age and that I was strong in my own way. That I was the leader that was I was born to be. That I was to learn the ways of the adult world at a young age. To be strong for my sister. And she told me about the design that was made for someone such as me. So the tribal tattoo on my arm is one of the designs. Shows the strength of a warrior, the heart of a true warrior."

"Wow. That is really interesting. What about the back tattoo? What's the meaning of that?"

"Haha well... when my mother passed, she talked about fairy tales, just like you. How you believed in it. And one day, I stumbled upon this story from an old woman whom I met while having coffee at a café in Rome. She told me about how two lovers. One who lived on earth and the other who fell from the sky. The big circle on top represents the sun in which the person from the sky saw it as his or her hope for finding the one true love of his or her life. And then the lines that connect with the circles below, each representing different meanings. 7 circles: Love, Passion, Discipline, Care, Kindness, Trust and last but not least, Soul. In order for them to meet, they had to sacrifice all 7 things before the finally met one another. And with them finding each other, they relearned all 7 circles as one. So I had them tattoo it on my back."

Clarke was really astonished by the adventures Lexa had been out on. She wanted to know every adventure, every place she's visited and Clarke was willing to spend the rest of her lifetime knowing her adventures.

"That's really cool Lexa. But one thing I don't get is why... why don't you believe in fairy tales anymore?"

"Because they don't exist Clarke. They never have. Their just stories. Nothing more." There was a tinge of sadness to her tone. Clarke wondered why.

"But why?" Clarke pressed on.

"If fairytales existed, my mother would still be alive. If fairytales existed, the person I loved back then wouldn't have left me." Again, sadness was all that was evident in her tone.

"Whoever left you Lexa was an idiot. Clearly they didn't see you for you are."

"That's just it Clarke. She did see me for who I was and that's why she left." And it was just a whisper that came. She saw Lexa staring into the distance and she knew enough it was time to stop. She didn't want to spoil the mood anymore and finally, Clarke decided it was time to carry on the fun.

"Hey... whatever it is. It was the past. I'm never leaving you Lexa. Ever. No matter what. I give you that promise. And I keep my promises. Because I..."

The words are stuck in Clarke's throat. Was it too soon to say I love you? Clearly Lexa wasn't the type to take the words as such too soon for the last person who loved her left her. And why?

"I love you too Clarke."

Lexa turns around in Clarke's hold, using one hand to cup Clarke's cheek and pull her in for a kiss. A soft loving kiss that Lexa said as I trust you too. That I believe you with all my heart. Clarke reciprocated her feelings to Lexa, holding her closer than ever before. Telling her that she's safe in her arms.

"So, shall we play some games?" Clarke separates from Lexa with a huge smile on her face.

"You and your games Clarke. Sheeesh..."

"Oh you love me so."

"Nope. I hate you."


End of Chapter 21

xx Alex

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