Chapter 20: Trying To Be Smooth

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The sun was out, the weather was warm, the wind giving it a cooling surrounding making it just perfect for going out. Clarke and Lexa bid farewell to Clarke's parents that morning and set off for the day towards town. Lexa was being pouty because she didn't know where they were going except for the fact that they were headed to town, and Clarke was keeping her mouth sealed until she got them there. Lexa had taken the wheel to driving, still not trusting Clarke with the wheel whenever the two of them were around each other because Clarke stares at her more often times than not, but Clarke knew that Lexa just wanted Clarke to have the luxury of staring out the window and not concentrating on driving. Clarke found Lexa's hand and intertwined together, enjoying the feeling of Lexa's warm hands in her own. Clarke was still reeling over the fact that only 7 days ago were they complete strangers. And now, they had grown into something so much more.



"What are we?" Lexa turns to look at Clarke, her eyes meeting blue before focusing her eyes back on the road.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean... I like you... and I do have feelings for you. Love... you. And I know you feel the same way about me too. Right?" Clarke looks hesitantly at Lexa, trying to figure out what her reaction is and if the words that were coming out of her mouth was enough to give Lexa the hint that she wanted something more than just her fake fiancé in front of her parents.

"What do you want us to be Clarke? Its obvious that we do have feelings for one another. So... I don't know. What do you want out of this Clarke?"

Clarke's heart was racing. Lexa does feel for her too. In only 7 days out of 30, they had confirmed their feelings about each other. Clarke knew that she was falling helplessly in love even though it was thought to be for show.

"I mean we are fake fiancés to each other. So... maybe in our own way, just girlfriends?" Clarke looks at Lexa again, and she could see the small smile on Lexa's lips.

"Then girlfriends we are." Lexa turns to give a bigger smile.

Clarke all but wanted to jump over and kiss Lexa right there and then but if course she didn't want to piss her off again for disturbing her driving. So the rest of the way they drove in silence, Clarke directing Lexa on where to go with her phone gps and they kept quiet afterwards, letting the feeling of the warmth of the car that was filled with love soothe their souls. Clarke could imagine the two of them somewhere in the nearby future, just the two of them on a road trip, holding hands in the car and just going where the road goes. Clarke's thoughts went even further, imagining Lexa with a round belly sitting in the seat beside her while she drove, pregnant with their first child. To feel her hands on her wife's stomach and the little baby kicking around her mother's belly as it grew each passing day. God Clarke... not too far ahead. You barely just made it to the girlfriend stage with Lexa. But the image of them as such really made her heart swell with love even more that Lexa had become her future. Her perfect ending fairy tale. And a her, their baby, a baby girl with beautiful brown locks of hair, perfect blue eyes like hers, a cute nose and lips just like Lexa's. Maybe after that...

"Clarke... where are we?" Clarke's thoughts were placed aside and she moved over to give Lexa a kiss on the cheeks.

"It's a magical carnival babe."

"Oh babe now huh? What happen to love or dear?" Lexa smirks and Clarke rolls her eyes. Even with Clarke trying to be romantic, Lexa always had a way of playing around with her and her sarcastic comments.

"Seriously Lex?" Clarke puts up her pouting face and Lexa laughs, pinching her cheeks.

"Awwww my pouty baby. Let your bigger baby make it up to you by winning some prizes from the games and maybe a ride on that big carousel there. Fair?"

"Oh you better. Or your sleeping in the hallway tonight!" Clarke smirks as she gets out of the car along with Lexa.

"You know; I can always bunk with Octavia right? She's more than willing to let me sleep with her and cuddle with me all night."

"I hate you. I really do." Clarke walked away, and Lexa runs up to her, wrapping her arms around Clarke's waist and holding her close without letting her go.

"Well if you let me finish what I was saying, I could actually pick lock the door and make my way in still to cuddle with you because I know you love me too much to let me sleep outside in the cold and dark hallway where the boogeyman under your bed can get to me. Wouldn't want his hairy hands on my body now right?"

And that got Clarke to giggle. God, this woman really knows a way into her heart. Even with her sweet talk of a sarcastic paragraph.

"I guess your right. You really do know me in and out don't you?"

"Just trying to be smooth. Come on. Let's go."


End of Chapter 20

xx Alex

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