Chapter 26: Cookies

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In the room, Clarke helps Lexa change into a singlet and shorts before pulling Lexa over onto the bed and getting her settled. Lexa's right side of the face was pretty banged up, and Clarke felt guilty that Lexa had to get hurt because of her before tucking a pillow underneath Lexa's right side to prop her head upwards to avoid having Lexa turning completely onto the right side of her face when she slept during the night. Gently pulling Lexa's hair to the left and away from her face, Clarke then heads into the bathroom to fish out some painkillers and returns to Lexa.

"Here babe, take some."

"No. Your mom gave me pills already." Lexa lied through her teeth, knowing she couldn't take any other sort of painkillers without the doctors prescriptions and just told Clarke that her mother had given her pills.

"Shoot sorry... I forgot."

"It's okay Clarke. Nothing to be sorry about." Lexa sighs into the pillow, clearly in a lot of pain and Lexa blinks an eye open to look at Clarke.

Guilt and sadness lingered in her eyes and her face, making Lexa even more worried than ever. She knew exactly why Clarke was looking as such, knowing that Lexa had a busted up face and Clarke blamed herself for getting Lexa hurt in order to protect her from Finn. A knock at the door startles Clarke, and she walks out of the door. Lexa thought to herself, how was I going to make sure that Clarke didn't feel guilty for her getting hurt. That she did it out of love. That she wanted to keep her safe from any harm when the door opened again, Clarke walking in with a plate of cookies and a glass of milk. Lexa pried an eye open, having had her eyes closed because of the pain, and Clarke sat down on the side of the bed.

"Thought you might like cookies and milk. Since mom said you could have some." A small smile on her lips.

"Clarke... are you okay?" Lexa asks, turning her head slightly to look at Clarke in the eye.

"It's nothing Lexa. I'm fine. Nothing to worry about."

"Yet you still have that look in your eyes as if it was all your fault the incident earlier happened when you can't control things like that. So tell me, what's wrong?"

Clarke noticed the concern in Lexa's eyes, wanting to know what's eating away at Clarke's heart. "You got hurt because of me Lexa. Finn was an asshole. Fuck, he smashed a bottle against your face. You could've been hurt worse than this. What if he stabbed you or something? Because of me that everyone gets hurt. Wells died because of me. You..." Clarke choked back a sob, tears rolling down her eyes.

"Hey. Stop this okay?" Lexa moves to sit up before cupping Clarke's cheeks. "None of this is your fault. Things happen for a reason in which we can't control. Wells didn't die because of you Clarke. He was a good man when you told me about him. He was only trying to protect you from the asshole who tried to mug you in the street. He died a hero and he died loving you. If you were in his spot, you would have done the same thing. So stop blaming yourself for when someone gets hurt. So don't blame yourself over and over again Clarke. I love you and I would do everything in my power to protect you. I'll save you every day if I have to. Over and over again and I will never get tired of it. Just make sure to bring me cookies and I'll love you forever."

Clarke looks at Lexa's soft and caring loving eyes. She meant every word she said. She knew that Lexa would never lie to her. And all she wanted was for Clarke to be safe. To be loved with all her heart. Clarke felt safe in those strong arms that wrapped around her every night. Clarke was right after all. Lexa was her soulmate and will always be hers. Lexa caresses her cheeks, wiping the tears away before leaning her head against Clarke's. They breathed in each other's smell, Clarke smelling like vanilla and honey, Lexa smelled like daffodils during the summer.

"What did I do to deserve someone like you?" Clarke whispers, not wanting to open her watery eyes.

"Well you didn't need to work hard to make me fall in love with you. Just smiling and being an ass to me is all it took. How's Croco?" Clarke immediately moves away and laughs, earning a playful smirk from Lexa.

"Did you just have to bring Croco in?"

"Yup. I got him for a reason you know."

"Fine. Move aside big baby. I know you want your cookies. And milk."

"Mmmmm... you love me so."

"And that I do love. That I do."


End of Chapter 26

xx Alex

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