Chapter 37: Who Died?

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"Babe... I really like Aden. And I miss my Boyfriend."

"Seriously Clarke? We're talking about this right now? We're in the middle of a war here." Lexa looked around the corner of her hiding spot, taking aim at Octavia who was running across the field and shooting her point blank in the chest.


Octavia walked away and sat on the benches with Anya. It was already Sunday and they were having a blast that morning for they had agreed to go on a triple date and they had finally talked Abby into letting them go instead of helping out at the mansion. Jake had some help in persuading Abby too to let the kids go have some fun and she eventually relented and they took off. They had paired up in teams of three, Lincoln joining Clarke and Lexa while Octavia, Raven and Anya were in another team. Lexa's team was strong, while Anya was the first to be taken out by Lincoln and Octavia taken out by Lexa, leaving Raven to fend for herself.

"Watch the tone O. Or I'll make sure your butt hurts for the next few days." Lexa hollers from her side of the line.

"Hey Lexa! I know you love me second after Clarke. How about being nice and just let me shoot two of you guys to make it a fair game?" Raven hollers from somewhere and Lincoln decides to tempt fate and go looking for her.

"IM OUT!" Lincoln hollers after Raven shot him straight in the heart."

"Awwww my poor baby got killed in the heart by a woman. You really are a black widow Rae." O says from the sidelines.

"Fat chance. One down, two to go. So who's next?" Raven manoeuvres from her position and hides behind a wall, having plain sight of Clarke.

"Lexa, did you hear what I just said?" Lexa was still focused on keeping herself alive when she heard Raven's paintball gun go off.

"OWWWW FUCK RAE! IM TRYING TO HAVE A CONVERSATION WITH LEXA HERE!" Clarke had been shot in the butt, prompting Lexa to roll over and take cover somewhere else behind a few cannisters.

"Too bad sister. I just owned your ass."

"Hey Raven, only I get to own Clarke's ass!"

"Woohoo. Nice one Sis. Kick her ass for me." Anya hollers and two shots were fired in her directions from Raven.

"Asshole. Your supposed to be on my side." Raven stands up to pout, giving away her position and Lexa takes the opportunity to fire off a few rounds at Raven in the chest.


Lexa does a small dance, Raven feigning dying on the ground Fat Amy style from the movie pitch perfect when she was hit by a burrito, making Anya roll her eyes and kiss the younger brunette on the lips. Lincoln yells that his team won and runs to pick Lexa up and throw her in the air before putting her down to receive a victory kiss from Clarke.

"Awwww gross. The love birds are doing it again. Being all sappy and romantic with each other. Keep it in your pants you too. Don't need to see you assholes dry humping each other again." Raven comments, making the rest laugh and Lexa flips the finger at the group.

"Your just jealous my awesome fiancé owned your ass. Sad life." Clarke sticks her tongue out at Raven.

"Alright guys. We have time for one more round. What's it going to be? Teams or all against each other?" Octavia asks, Lincoln was standing behind her with his arms wrapped around her waist.

"Ooooh we should do against each other. Last one standing gets good service from us all. Meaning we treat he or she as a queen for the whole day. Fair deal?" Anya offers up the idea and everyone smirks, knowing that this is going to be an all out war.

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