Chapter 22: Until Last Breath

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It was moments like these that Lexa enjoyed. Just the simple way of how life works when you're in love. It was like a breath of fresh air. And Lexa missed it all so much. She remembered the days of being in love, running around like her head was in the air, her heart as high as a kite. And watching Clarke riding a horse on the carousel was the greatest gift anyone could ever ask for. She didn't know how many pictures she took of just the two of them out having fun, no friends, no work, no worries in the world. Just her alone with the person she loved. When Clarke found it hard to say those three letter words, Lexa took the initiative to say those three letter words, knowing that she could say it out loud without the fear of having someone leave her. When Clarke made that promise, she could tell the sincerity of it, the understanding and the love that radiated in that promise, and Lexa didn't have to be afraid anymore. She didn't need to be afraid of someone leaving her. Maybe even on her death bed, she could feel those warm hands sitting by her side, still telling her to be strong, that she would love you even in death. Lexa wasn't afraid anymore. And she was happy.

Lexa had every intention of winning a plush toy for Clarke, knowing that the blonde had a thing for crocodiles, and she saw a big one on display that she was willing to win for her. She enjoyed Clarke for her cuteness, she loved Clarke for her everything. This woman was born with fire and ice, being strong with fore in positions she was forced into, and cooling as ice for she could melt Lexa's heart in every way she possibly could without having to try. Clarke was her pillar of strength, and her beating heart that now slowly dwindles away with each passing day. And Lexa was going to make the most of it, with Clarke by her side.

"Come on Lexa. Take a picture with me." The laugh and smile brought Lexa out of her thoughts and Lexa all but smiled back, jumping into the screen with her and giving the goofiest smile she could possibly give.

"Dork. This is so going to be my lock screen photo."

"Duuuh of course it has to be. I look super dorky and cutesy here." Lexa smirks and Clarke nudges her shoulder laughing, before they kissed again.

"Idiot. If Anya caught us like this now, your baby sister would call us dorks. Raven would call us the sappiest beings in the world, and O, she'll literally die watching our lesbian love story."

"Nahhhh. Anya and Raven wouldn't be bothered. After catching the two of them in the room, I literally puked my guts out. God, never knew my baby sister could be as such."

"Oh gross. Don't get me started. The pouring of honey already got me thinking twice if I ever want to touch honey again. As if lubricants weren't enough. They just had to use honey. Well, maybe to us it's gross but to them, it's kinky shit." Clarke sticks her tongue out in disgust.

"At least it's good to know she has someone who can challenge her ego. All the other losers she's dated couldn't keep up with her. So thank god Raven chose to be her playmate."

The two woman laughed and finally decided to get off the carousel when it stopped, prompting Lexa to drag Clarke over to the games section. They had a good two hours to go before having to return to the mansion for Clarke's welcome back party. Just neighbours and old high school friends and families that Clarke knew and grew up with who would be there, and the anniversary dinner next week was going to be even bigger for not just family and friends, but investors and business executives would be joining too, making it and extravagant function. Abby and Jake had been in the industry for years, although Abby mainly worked at the hospital for she was a head surgeon, Abby still accompanied Jake on his business trips and such, being there by her husbands side all the while. And the first time Lexa met them, they were apparently taken aback by Lexa's cutthroat ways and her bluntness for business, warning the spot to invest in one their projects in the pharmaceutical sector and making Lexa their business partner. She hadn't seen them ever since until a few days ago when she came back as their daughter's fiancé. It was awkward.

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