Chapter 24: Tell Them

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Lexa grunted in annoyance, taking the shot glass in her hand and downing the clear liquid, letting the alcohol burn her throat. True she had met some really nice people, but Raven and Octavia had other plans in mind to drag her away and talk to a bunch of single man, and Raven had this crazy idea to bluff them about the three of them being strippers. Whatever ungodly reason did Raven come up with that idea, she didn't know.

"For the last time Raven. I'm not doing it. Get Anya to do it with you idiots."

"No. Anya is busy playing chess with an old man in the back of the function room, Clarke is talking to her old neighbours and we are stuck together. So up up up." Octavia takes Lexa by one arm and Raven takes the other, not wanting Lexa to fight her way out of it, just for their amusement.

"Seriously guys. This is dumb. I can't act like a fucking stripper. I'm a business woman."

"That's just it Lexa. You need to let loose. Besides were just trying to work them up then we kiss and make out in front of them and done." Lexa immediately stopped dead in her tracks, not wanting to go through with their crazy plan.

"Are you guys high or drunk or something?"

"Uhhhh... maybe yeah." The two woman mumbled and gave a sheepish grin.

"Okay. I'm out. You two are drunk. Return to the bar, get yourself a drink to clear that head of yours while I go find Clarke."

"Nooooooo Lexaaaaaa. We both are your biggest fan and your best lovers!!!" Lexa laughs and shakes her head, their friends having one too many already and clearly need to tone down.

So Lexa looked around for Clarke, having missed her ever since she went up to change and that she had been busy talking to friends and family while she stood to the side drinking. That was her usual thing to do at events like these. She wasn't much of a socialiser unless the need to do business in which people come to her instead because of her reputation. But she would rather sit aside and just watch the day go by. So Lexa makes her way through the crowd and finds Clarke standing alone outside on the porch, prompting Lexa to smile and make her way over. But then, Finn appears behind her, and yanks Clarke backwards. She could tell that he was drunk for he had a bottle in hand and he was staggering. Lexa knew something was about to go wrong and she made her way over, trying to get to Clarke. Her protectiveness kicked in, and anger seethed through her soul, for this man was really asking for trouble.

And the slap that came across her lover's face, that ticked Lexa off. She lunged at Finn, not caring about anything else and sending the two of them down to the ground. Finn was a daze at first, his head swimming in alcohol and Lexa was already landing punches across his face. Lexa thanked the gods that she had training in martial arts when she was younger. Lexa felt a kick in adrenaline and she served another blow to his face, breaking his nose as blood covered her hands. But what caught her off guard was his free hand that had the bottle came crashing into the side of her face. Lexa yelped in pain before she landed another punch across his face. Lexa was relentless. She hesitated for a moment on whether to take the broken bottle with sharp edges and stab him, but she thought otherwise against it. Finn finally stopped moving, groaning in pain from the punches that Lexa threw at him. A crowd had gathered and she pulled him up by his collar, turning him around and slamming his head back on the ground, her knee digging into his palms as he hissed out in pain.

Abby was holding Clarke, rubbing her back soothingly when Jake appeared out from the crowd, anger written all over his face. "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?" He shouted.

"Tell him what you did to Clarke, Finn. Tell him what you did." Lexa seethed, not caring about how her face hurts, blood seeping from the cuts made by the glass.

"No." He growled out and Lexa all but dug her knee into his palm deeper causing him to scream in agony.

"Tell them all or you wished you didn't have an arm left. TELL THEM!" That seemed to get him to budge.

"I... I hit her. Punched her in high school because she was with someone else. I told the entire school that Clarke slept with me. And made up stories about her. I hit her again earlier because I wanted her back. I love her." Finn said it out loud, and the crowd gasped in shock, including Abby who was looking down at him in disgust.

"You son of a bitch. I let you in to the family, treated you like my own son and you... you hurt my daughter. Your fired. And to top it all off, your spending the next couple of years in prison. I assure you that." Jake calls out for Detective John Murphy, one of Clarke's high school friends who was here with his high school sweetheart Emori, and he walks over to pick Finn up off the floor.

Lexa moves away, giving him the space needed and Jake states that he would get Clarke to file a report on Finn when she calmed down. Abby brings her daughter inside, the welcome home party having been stopped after the incident and Jake apologises to everyone that it had to end so soon. Anya and Octavia were already rushing over with a wet towel and Lexa's pills with a syringe in hand and Anya gave Lexa a shot to calm her racing heart down thanks to Abby knowing some extent of Lexa's condition, siting down beside her to stop the bleeding. Lexa cursed when the wet towel was placed on her skin, making Octavia withdraw from Lexa's face before placing it softly again on Lexa's face.

Abby walks back outside to the porch, having placed Clarke in Jake's and Raven's care for now. "Lexa... I need you in my office now. Come on, I need to fix you up before you bleed to death on my back porch." Abby and Anya helps her up, Lincoln picking her up in his arms so that she didn't need to walk over and she kept the cloth on her face.

Lexa didn't get a chance to talk to Clarke, but nonetheless, she needed her face fixed first before anything else.


End of Chapter 24

xx Alex

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