Chapter 36: Wife To Be

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They reached the entrance of the hospital, Raven, Anya, Clarke, Lexa and Abby walked in together after they had cleaned up and changed their clothes before following Abby to work. Lexa and Anya had explained to them about their usual visits to the kids in the hospital here at least 2-3 times a year and some of the kids there were suffering from all sorts of diseases. Some cancer, some kidney failure, it was a wide range and Clarke was informed by her mother too that Lexa and Anya have made a name amongst the children and that they had been preparing for the girls who were coming to visit them. Clarke and Raven were somewhat excited but nervous for they didn't know what to expect from the kids. Hand in hand, they made their way upstairs to the children's ward, Abby having claimed that she needed to attend to some matters before joining them.

"What if they hate us?" Clarke lays her head on Lexa's shoulder as they stood in the elevator, the numbers increasing as they went higher.

"I don't think they'll hate you Clarke. You're too kind and loving for them to make them hate you. Just relax. They're really nice kids."

Clarke nods her head and as the elevator doors open, all four woman stepped out into the bright lit floor, colour immediately filling their sight. Drawings, toys and all sorts of artsy stuff were placed around the ward, Clarke and Raven gasped as they saw how beautiful the place was decorated. Making their way to one of the rooms, one of the nurses approached Lexa, speaking to her softly before smiling and walking away. Anya takes Raven's hand in hers and pushed open the doors. Lexa took Clarke's hand and led them in, Raven immediately being ravaged by the children in the room and Clarke was the next when they saw two new woman coming in and they hugged them. Cheers of happiness filled the room and immediately it warmed the four older woman's hearts.

"Yexa! Yexa! Yexa!" A little boy not more than the age of 5 ran up towards Lexa and hugged her tightly. Lexa smiled and picked him up in her arms before turning around to look at Clarke who perked an eyebrow up at her.

"Hey there little man. How's my favourite boyfriend doing?" Lexa smiled and the young boy kissed her cheeks.

"Mommy and daddy said I'm getting stronger. Boy... friendy go home soon."

"That's good little man. I have someone I like you too meet. But I promise I will always be your girlfriend." He giggled and kissed her cheeks again. "This here is my love, my future wife Clarke. She's going to be your girlfriend too when she marries me." Aden blinks, clearly trying to understand what Lexa meant.

"You mean I get another girlfriend because she's going to be like mommy and daddy are? Together? Yexa and Clarkey going to marry? Can I come too?" He pouted and Clarke giggled at the young boy.

He was adorable. But what was even cuter, was the way Lexa held him in her arms. The bright smile and adoration in her eyes made her heart fuzzy with love. Lexa really knew how to handle a kid. Clarke instantly knew she would make a great mom one day. Aden then tapped her shoulders, drawing her out of her thoughts and she took him out of Lexa's arms.

"Clarkey loves Yexa?" He ask with a big smile.

"Yes sweetie. I love Yexa a lot. She's my one and only."

"Okay. Then you get kiss too. Since you love Yexa and Yexa love Clarkey."

He kisses her cheeks and Clarke giggles before the group of children cheered and Raven dropped backwards onto the ground, those who were able to get out of bed piling on top of Raven and Anya helped too. Lexa laughed at the sight and Aden cheered for his friends before clinging onto Clarke and asking her to go over.


"Yes Aden?"

"Please take care of Yexa. Yexa love me like mommy and daddy. Yexa sick too." A sad pout forms on his face and Clarke was stunned. Lexa was sick? She seems perfectly fine. Why would he think that.

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