Chapter 17: 360 Swing

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"Well that took a 360 swing. Fuck, Abby saw you giving Lexa a pill Anya. What are we going to do?" Raven paces in a small circle on the deck, Anya rubbing her neck and trying to think of what to do.

"This was a bad idea guys. Fuck, I had to tell Jake it was my fault and that I asked Lincoln to throw her up and down and pretend to slip backwards and throw Clarke off. Fuck... we need to have a change of plans. Like literally." Octavia's face was flustered and she was shitting herself.

"Okay okay calm down. Clarke doesn't know, Lexa sure as hell bound to have said that she was fine. So now, we have to make sure Abby doesn't ask and Jake doesn't pry, Clarke cannot know about it and we have to maintain our level of shit when we try to get the two together." Raven looks at both Octavia and Anya, whom they immediately nodded their heads and separated to stand away from each other.

"Hello!!! We are trying to keep Abby from making more advances on Lexa's medical condition. And we don't need Clarke walking into her mother and telling her that she doesn't know about this."

"Then what the fuck do you suppose we do O? Were stuck in a tacky situation here. And we can't blow this whole operation." Anya whispers angrily.

"I think I've heard enough."

Just then, Abby appears from behind and before Octavia and Raven could scoot away, Abby pulls their ears, making them stop dead in their tracks and scowl in pain. "Now Anya, could you be so kind and tell me what the hell is really going on. Or so help me I will end all of you and you don't want to know how."

"Okay Abby, let's all take a seat and we can talk."

So that happened for the next 20 minutes. Anya, Raven and Octavia told Abby everything, making sure that Lincoln and Jake were away from earshot as they spoke, and Abby sat there the entire time, no emotions, no words, nothing. It scared them the most for they knew Abby was a no nonsense person and that she would be pissed as hell when this entire ordeal was over. And they braced themselves, knowing that Clarke was going to lose Lexa, and Lexa was going to lose Clarke.

"I knew this whole persona thing was too good to be true. Call it a mother's intuition. But, I do believe that this whole mess, is something good for Clarke. And Lexa too."

"Wait what? You're not angry?" Raven stares at Abby in disbelief. So does the other two.

"From what you told me, it hurts my heart to know that someone such as Lexa who has a whole life ahead of her to throw her life away. Is there a reason why she believes as such Anya?"

"When our mother died, it hurt her really bad. I don't know what my mother's last words were to her but I know it had something to do with it. And she's been that way ever since. Never asking anyone for help. But please Abby, we need to change her mind. I can't lose my sister. Not like this."

Abby sighs. "I must admit that true love like theirs is hard to come by. And changing Lexa's mind will not be easy. But the way I look at the two of them together, I believe that they were meant to be. Just like her father. Always believing in fairy tales. Here are my terms, you three continue to keep up this little act in front of Jake, and other events that we will be having soon, and I will try my best to get hold of Lexa's medical records and see what I can do to find a donor for her heart. But I don't want anything crazy as the big stunt you tried to pull earlier. I don't need anyone dying on my watch."

"We will be subtle about it. But there's one thing we want to know Mama G, we told you everything and you're not going kill us all for this?" Octavia was the one to ask.

"Listen my dears, I'm not angry. The thing is, Jake and I wanted Clarke to go out with Finn. But after the two of us saw the way the two of them were around each other, fake or not, you can actually see that spark in their eyes. They may be great actors at it, but when it comes to matters of the heart, you can see it in their eyes. That's why I am going to help you ladies make them understand that they need each other. Like Anya said, the only way for Lexa to change her mind, is by having Clarke change her mind. Because if Lexa does love her, then she would want to stick around forever. The only issue on our hand is having to get a donor. And also Anya, I need the name of the doctor she is seeing. It may take a while to find a donor and she hasn't got much time by what you're telling me."

"Thank you Abby. It means a lot to me." Anya says, hope finally surfacing from this.

"Don't thank me yet. You ladies need to ensure that those two stick together. I still plan to have a future daughter in law and grandkids too. Lexa is the answer to Clarke's missing equation."

The girls jump into Abby's hold, hugging and kissing the older woman, thanking her for her understanding and her decision to help. Anya was more thankful than ever and she couldn't ask for a better mother figure than Abby. Praise the gods.

"We will do our best and serve you Mama G!" The girls giggle and Abby laughs, shaking her head at the three.

Abby knew, Lexa was a good woman. And she, she would be the best suitor for Clarke.


End of Chapter 17

xx Alex

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