Chapter 16: Pills

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Clarke felt the water rush around her, engulfing her like the waves of the ocean would do to a surfer. She was Adrian of the water. She couldn't swim and that's why she was afraid. Clarke remembered when she was talking to her mother, and when her eyes laid back on Lexa, she had a haunted look to her. Clarke wondered to herself why Lexa had kept herself as such. What was it that she kept hidden, locked away in her heart. Clarke wanted to know so badly, but she was afraid that if she pressed too hard, Lexa would run away from her. And now, she was going to drown and die. She remembered that she was being yanked away by Lincoln and Octavia. She knew she wanted Lincoln to stop. Because he was moving closer and closer to the edge of the boat. And true enough, she was thrown overboard, heading straight into the water. Clarke felt her lungs begin to scream for air. She was helpless. Panic began to set in and the next thing she knew, her head reached the surface again. She wasn't going back under. She felt strong arms encased around her, keeping her afloat. The arms of the woman she was falling deeply and madly in love with. The one whom had those special green eyes looking at her, showing emotions through those eyes.


Lexa had dragged her back towards the end of the boat, Swimming as fast as she could, and she pushes Clarke up on the boats ledge, Lincoln and Jake pulling Clarke up and onto the boat. Anya rushes over to Lexa, who was panting hard, and takes out a pill to pass it to her. Abby stood further up and saw the young woman out of breath, seeing a pill being handed to her and she knew something was wrong with the girl. But Clarke of course was her priority first and Lincoln sat at the corner with Octavia, guilt covering his face. Or maybe pretending to be guilty.

"Honey are you okay?" Abby looks over her daughter, who coughed and nodded her head, no visible injuries and she kisses her head before moving back down towards the edge of the boat whereby Anya and Raven were hauling Lexa out if the water. Anya and Raven tenses up, making Anya hide the pills with Raven who carried her bag with her before Abby bends down to look over Lexa.

"Are you alright Lexa?"

"Yeah fine. Just catching my breath that's all."

"Are you hurt anywhere?"

"I'm fine Abby. Nothing wrong with me. Just help Clarke." Lexa gives her usual smile that she usually does to get someone to go away, in order to avoid having someone to pry into her health that was failing and degrading by the day.

"Okay. I'll be back sweetie."

Abby walks away back towards Clarke, having been wrapped up in a blanket and Jake advising Lincoln next time to be more careful with the things he was doing. "You know Clarke, you got yourself a fine woman indeed. I'm proud of you baby."

"Thanks mom. But seriously, how's my baby doing?"

"She's fine. A little pale looking but she seems okay. And you?"

"I'm fine mum. Really. Just a nice warm shower and I'm good to go." Abby smiles at her daughter. She was lucky Lexa had reacted quickly, bot hesitating and jumping off the boat to save her daughter's life. Clarke never did learn to swim and so her fear of water made things harder when they were on a boat. Clarke would basically avoid the edge. But with Lexa around, Clarke was a totally different person. She would smile, be a little more daring than she used to be and really, Clarke had changed.

"Okay sweetie. Why don't you go wash off downstairs and come join us after?" Clarke nods, taking a peek at Lexa who was still seated by the edge of the boat alone, and disappeared down below deck.

Raven, Anya and Octavia were huddled together talking, Lincoln on top with Jake, most probably saying his apologies over and over again. Abby takes a walk over to Lexa, sliding down quietly to sit beside her and placing a hand on her shoulders.

"Are you sick Lexa?" The question caught Lexa off guard, and she turns to look at Abby with wide eyes.

"Uh no... I'm not."

"You know Lexa, in my years working as a doctor, I can tell what kind of sickness a person has Lexa. And judging by the pill you popped in your mouth and the shortness of breath just by swimming, its either your suffering from lung complications or that you have a heart disease. Or respiratory failure perhaps. So which one is it?"

"Please don't tell Clarke. I don't want her to worry." Lexa pleads with her eyes. She couldn't tell Abby about their little ploy that they had, and here she goes again lying.

"I promise. A mother's promise. Because I believe you told her already. Am I right?"

"Yeah. Just don't want to spoil the mood now if I worry her with something that happened a few times now. She knows and she keeps me in check." Liar.

"Okay honey. So tell me, what is going on with you? I would like to know myself."

Lexa takes a steady breath. "Yes to the heart disease. But as long as I take the meds, I'll be fine. Been seeing the doctor and they prescribed me the right meds. Just that if I do something vigorous, I get shortness of breath easily. That's all."

Again another lie. She would be stupid enough to really lie to a professional doctor, but she prayed and hoped that maybe, just maybe, Abby would get the gist of her not wanting to explain further and just take whatever it is she has with her right now and drop the matter altogether.

"Okay sweetheart. But you know I'm a doctor. And if you ever, really ever need anything, you can come to me okay? You're my daughter now. And I take care of you both. There's nothing to be shy about."

"Thanks Abby. But with Clarke around, I'll be in good hands. Just don't worry her now. It's nothing big. I've had worse days." Again, another lie.

Lexa wanted to knock herself out by now. Maybe she should just go back into the water and drown. She was starting a web of lies, that eventually one day it would blow up in her face and she could lose everything. Her friendship with Clarke, her previous investor, everything. But Lexa knew by the end of all this, she was walking away for good. But then the other part of her was screaming at her, take a chance, love while you can. It would be better to fight and live for the sake of Clarke. No, not for the sake of Clarke, but for their love that was growing with each passing second that was growing.

"Alright sweetie. Why don't you head downstairs and get yourself washed up? Then come join us again on top yeah?"

"Sure thing." Lexa smiles and stands up, giving Abby a warm hug before disappearing below deck.


End of Chapter 16

xx Alex

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