Chapter 12: Death Of Me

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Clarke stood inside the bathroom of her room, Lexa in the room getting changed and ready for bed. They had reached back at the mansion over an hour ago, bidding each other goodnight before retiring to the room. Although Clarke and Lexa just came into the room for they had to settle the ongoing feud between the three friends who couldn't decide who sleeps with who, and eventually Octavia gets a room for herself, Raven and Anya end up sharing the other room together. Clarke had changed into her pyjamas, a tank top and fleece pants, before opening the door. Clarke immediately stops, pulling the closed, but leaving a small gap for her to peak through.

There stood Lexa, only in her underwear as she changed her clothes and Clarke was mesmerized by the tattoo that ran down along Lexa's spine. The infinity symbol on the back of her neck was broken but all the more beautiful. Lexa was a work of art. Clarke cursed herself for not bringing her sketchbook along and she decided to buy one when she gets the chance to do so. Clarke looks on, only to feel her ears burn when Lexa pulls down her black panties, revealing a perfect looking ass. Clarke had to bite her own hand as she stared at the perfection in the room, those toned legs, and her abs. Oh shit... Lexa had turned around, still not catching Clarke peeking at her, and the all more glorious sight.

This is wrong Clarke. You shouldn't be staring at the naked girl before you. No fucking way. Its violation of a person's privacy. Fuck. Clarke watched as Lexa untangled her hair from the bun she had and she was a goddess. Clarke couldn't keep staring for she knew she had to walk out sooner or later. So she took one last glance and pretended to flush the toilet bowl again, giving Lexa a good minute or two before she opened the door. Clarke looked up at Lexa who was already dressed in a long black gown, one definitely used for sleeping and her tone legs were still in full view to Clarke. And the dress was bare in the back, making her tattoo ever more prominent to stand out when she turned around. Clarke wanted to just jump out a window and crawl back up the stairs and repeat it all over again.

"You okay?" Lexa asked, her voice barely a whisper.

"Uhhhhh yeah... just tired. That's all."

"I'm not the enemy Clarke. You can talk to me about whatever it is going through your head you know. I won't slaughter you alive for it."

Clarke moves over to the bed and sits down, and Lexa stands there with her arms folded, knowing that look on Clarke's face was something that was troubling her. "That man you met today, Finn, he's not a nice person at all. We sorta grew up together, thinking that we were meant to be together ya know? But he wasn't the man I knew when we grew up. When we were 14, he kissed me, but I didn't feel anything for him. So I decided to find someone else. And then he started obsessing about me. He... he slept with all my friends, telling them that I was the best sex he ever had. And when senior prom came, I went with some geeky guy just to avoid being with Finn. And after the night ended, he slapped me and hit me before driving off angrily. I never saw him again after I left for college."

Lexa was already seated down beside Clarke her eyes never leaving Clarke's. "Yet you didn't tell your mum and dad about him?"

"I mean; it's been years since I've seen him. Maybe he's changed. But the way he looked at me, was as if he still owns me. That he still thinks that I can be claimed by him. My parents and his parents were really close, they still are really, and because his parents are such good folks, I didn't dare say a thing to them or mine. Please Lexa, don't let him near me..."

Clarke turned to look at Lexa with pleading eyes. She didn't like Finn one bit and therefore she wanted Lexa to protect her. To be around her when he is around. "Yeah. I promise Clarke. Stick with me and you will be fine okay? Now, get some sleep. Your parents want us up and ready to go for their little boat ride."


Lexa gets Clarke tucked in under the sheets, making sure she was nice and cosy before moving off the bed, taking a pillow with her and settling on the hard floor. She was going to suffer for 30 days sleeping on the hard floor, but nonetheless, as long as Clarke gets the beauty sleep she needs, only then will she be content.

"Lexa? Why are you sleeping on the floor?" Lexa heard that beautiful voice, and she looked up to find blue eyes staring down at her.

"The bed is too small, and invasion of privacy is a serious crime Clarke." There was a hint of playfulness in her tone, but Clarke wanted Lexa to sleep in bed with her, just to taste the feel of the woman's strong arms wrapped around her.

"You're such a gentlewoman. Why is it you don't have a girlfriend at all? I mean, your funny, annoying at times..." Lexa chuckles lightly as she stares at Clarke. "Always respecting space and what not, the perfect woman, yet you don't have anyone in your life? Why is that so?"

Lexa couldn't tell Clarke the reason behind it. She was hurt bad about the past and she didn't someone to pity her. She only needed herself. And she was going to die on her own. Anya could live a better life without her.

"It's something I don't wish to discuss Clarke. Some things are better left in the past than to bring it back up."

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to upset you Lexa. I mean... if you ever want to talk, I'm here for you too." Clarke whispered. Lexa sighed out loud, knowing that Clarke talked about her past and yet she held so many secrets.

"Thank you... Clarke."

"And you can share the bed too you know? Instead of sleeping on the floor. Plus, I don't want the monster under the bed to get you. He is scary."

"Just leave the monster be and sleep Clarke. I'll kick its ass if it disturbs me."

"You sure? He is hairy and ugly and he likes to..."

Lexa huffs out in annoyance, clearly Clarke was going to annoy her and so she gets up off the floor, grabbing her pillow and joining Clarke under the covers. Lexa could see a big smile across Clarke's face, her annoyingness having worked and Lexa could only groan. Once relaxed, Lexa felt arms wrapping around her waist, pulling her closely until she felt Clarke's face nudged into her shoulders. Lexa tensed up incredibly, and she remembered when Raven and Octavia telling her that Clarke was a cuddle queen and she enjoyed hugging someone when she slept. The light snores that escaped Clarke's mouth was a clear indication that she was asleep, and Lexa sighed again.

"You're going to be the death of me Clarke Griffin. You really are something else." Lexa kisses Clarke's head softly before placing her other arm on Clarke's, holding it firmly.

With that, Lexa shifts her other arm to allow Clarke to rest her head on her arm, nuzzling closer to Lexa's body, and Lexa finally relaxed, allowing sleep to take over her eventually.


End of Chapter 12

xx Alex

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