Chapter 43: Heaven Can Wait

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"Clarke wake up. CLARKE!!!"

Clarke jolts awake, almost falling off the chair she was seated it and looks up to see Raven standing beside her.

"Fuck... I'm sorry Raven..."

"Hey... It's okay. You were having a nightmare. Saw you trashing around. So I came in." Clarke breathes out a sigh of relief and thanks Raven by placing her hand over Raven's that was safely on her shoulder.

Clarke looks away and over to Lexa, the tube in her throat had been taken out and replace with an oxygen tube to her nose, watching as Lexa was safely sound asleep. Her heartbeat remained the same, no change in the last couple of hours since she woke up to shift into the chair after crying endlessly on her lover's shoulders. Lexa was okay, she was fine.

"What time is it?"

"6 in the morning. The lot of us are going for pancakes down the road. You wanna tag along? Or do you need me to get Mama G to kick you out to get something to eat?"

"I'm guessing I don't have a choice right?"

"Uh yeah." Raven smirks and Clarke chuckles lightly before getting up from her seat and walk over to Lexa's bed, leaning down to give her a kiss on the lips before exiting the room with Raven.

"How's Anya?"

"She's holding up. Managed to get her to sleep for a couple of hours before she woke up hungry. Said she wanted pancakes. Lincoln wanted eggs and toast. So we decided on the diner down the road."

Clarke smiles warmly, knowing her friend had taken a liking, no perhaps already in love with Anya if she was already taking care of her now. "So you and Anya?"

"Shut up. You and Lexa are sappy assholes anyway." The two girls chuckled softly. "But yeah. Anya asked me two nights ago. Said that since we were fuck buddies, might as well upgrade to fuck girlfriends."

"I'm happy for you Rae. Guess we all found our happily ever after."

"Well, Most of us." Clarke said quietly, but Raven caught that tone and stops her best friend from walking any further.

"Listen Clarke. People make mistakes. And Lexa will pull through this with you by her side. You know what to do and you will make it Clarke. She knows you didn't mean it. So just take it easy okay? She will be fine. Hell, propose to her tanned butt or something when she wakes up. Give her something to fight for. Even if she disappears to heaven, I'll make sure I get my sorry ass up there and pull that fucking soul of hers back to the land of the living. Kick her ass if I have to. Heaven can wait."

Clarke was laughing at her best friend, pulling her into a hug and murmuring a thank you. Raven couldn't be angry anymore and after talking to Anya, her anger for Clarke had cooled down immensely, making her drop her grudge against Clarke. It was a hard time for everyone, and Clarke still blamed herself even though everyone had forgiven her. Except one. Lexa.

So they headed off to the parking lot, keeping up with light conversations, and Clarke's last thought before they left, was Lexa waiting for her to come back.

The room was dimly lit when Lexa pried her eyes open. Her chest hurts, her body covered in sweat and her throat was sore. Her heart felt on fire, the oxygen pumping through it was hurting her and she all but wanted to rip it out. The beeping sound from the machines were a constant annoyance to her ears, and she all but groaned slightly at the noise. Lexa realised then she was in a plain white room, her body felt numb. Her vision was slightly blurry but she could still make out the things in the room. She tried to lift her hand up to press the button, but the cough that came stopped her as it tore apart at her insides, making her grit her teeth in pain. Just then, the door to the room opened and Lexa narrowed her eyes, only to find the same woman whom she remembered talking to in her office the day she went to the hospital.

"Hey sweetie. Your awake. How do you feel?"

"Hurts." Lexa swallowed thickly.

Abby noticed and poured Lexa a glass of water, helping her to drink before setting the empty cup aside.

"What happen doc?"

"You had a mild heart attack Lexa. We got you to the hospital after Raven and Anya found you. Because of that, we will have to get the operation done in the next few days or you won't..." Abby stops her words midway, not wanting to make the young woman feel even more pain than she was already in.

"I know Abby. Thank you. For your help. And Jake."

"You're welcome."

Abby saw that Lexa wanted to ask something more, but she refrained herself, knowing that she wanted to ask about Clarke. "Clarke went down the road with the rest to get something to eat Lexa. We know what happened between you two. It's not your fault Lexa. She was misinformed."


"Maybe when she comes back, I'll let her tell you yourself. It was a misunderstanding Lexa."

"Yet her walking away hurts more than the pain right now." A tear slips from her eyes and Abby cups Lexa's cheeks with her old hands, wiping the tear away.

"There are always things in this world that will hurt us Lexa. But we move on from the pain and welcome the love that comes along with it after. Don't let go of the things that are good in your life. I'm not speaking on behalf of Clarke, but I know when someone good is in your hands, don't let it slip away okay?"

"I know."

"Get some sleep honey. You need it. You're going to be in pain but I can't give you any more pain killers. So just try your best okay?"

"Thanks. Abby."

Abby stands up and kisses Lexa's forehead, leaving her all alone again in the dim room. Once the doors were shut, Lexa closes her eyes and lets the tears fall. Why should I believe her sorrys when she didn't even believe me? She hurt me so much. She walked away. I tried to tell her but she thought it was a lie. I know I can't blame her entirely for it was Nia's work, but then again, Clarke trusted her and not me. But I love her. Lexa battled with the choices she could make. It's either she could forgive her and die a happy woman, or that she could tell Clarke to leave and never come back ever again. To save her the misery of her having to watch her suffer and die slowly. It was all that she could think about.

Lexa eventually drifts off to sleep, not realizing that Abby and Jake had been watching her silent tears flow through the window.


End of Chapter 43

xx Alex

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