Chapter 4: Get To Know You

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"Clarke... Calm your fucking tits down. You and Raven have been acting up ever since last night. Is this because your pussy is actually saying yes to Lexa screwing you or that you actually hate her and your nervous as fuck to even spend time with her?"

Clarke had been rocking in her chair since morning, having showered and dressed herself up somewhat sexy looking with a low cut shirt and jeans, her blonde locks of hair pushed the side with make-up. Raven on the other hand, was chowing down on Cheetos, something she always does when she was nervous or waiting to meet someone.

"I can't fucking calm down. Did you see what Lexa looked like? She's a fucking goddess. Her green eyes... her brown locks of hair. Her abs! Fuck her abs were showing through her shirt for god sakes."

"And remember what Mrs. Beaty said. You can't fall in love with her if you want your fairy tale ending Clarke."

"Fuck her words. How can someone not fall in love with a woman like her?" Clarke questions, her pacing back and forth still on going. Octavia groans before looking over at Raven, whose eyes were trained at the front door.


Raven continues shovelling food into her mouth, her brain having shut down and disappeared into a world of her own. Clarke too realizes that and stops to look over at their friend.


"Jesus Fuck. What is wrong with you people?" Raven flinches when Octavia and Clarke shouts her name, making her spill the bag of Cheetos onto her lap.

"We called you but you were staring at the freaking door. What's up with you?"

"Nothing why?"

"Don't bullshit Rae. We lived together for 5 years. So what the fuck is up?" Octavia perks an eyebrow up at her along with Clarke who has a shit eating grin on her face.

"Okay so the older blonde is hot. And so is your fake fiancé. But seriously, the two are hot and I think... I think I'm smitten by Anya. Did you see the way we touched hands last night? It felt fucking electric." Octavia all but laughed and Clarke cheered.

"Looks like Raven found her soulmate. Damn girl. I need to get myself a fucking girlfriend. No wait I'm too straight for that shit."

"Too bad O. None for you, score for me. I wonder what is she like?"

"I heard from Mrs. Beaty she's a sarcastic son of a bitch like you. No wonder you're smitten by her." Clarke jokes and Raven flips her the finger.

The clock shows nine o clock and clearly the Woods sister were late. She expected them to be on time for the way they carried themselves so highly, she would have imagined that they were the type to be on time. But then again, Something urgent must've came up and they were caught somewhere in traffic. Truth be told, the doorbell rang 5 minutes after, making Clarke jump out of the chair and rush towards the door. Smirks came across both Octavia and Raven, their friend extremely interested in the girl and they watched as Clarke adjusted herself.

Pulling the doors open, there stood the beautiful brunette, Lexa Woods, dressed in a tight singlet, showing a good amount cleavage and those skinny black jeans she wore made her toned legs stand out significantly. Anya stood behind her with a tiny smirk plying her lips, knowing the younger blonde was clearly smitten by her big sister's looks. She was beautiful indeed, and exact carbon copy of their mother who was strikingly beautiful even though their mother wasn't as toned as Lexa. Lexa too stood there in the doorway, her eyes never leaving Clarke's, but she could see the way the blonde was dressed and her stomach churned at the sight of the beautiful blonde.

30 Days Fiancéजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें