Chapter 23: Save My Soul

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"Oh my god! They went out on a date? Seriously?" Raven squealed in excitement.

"Well, they said they were heading into town. So I assume it went well considering their not back yet. And Clarke is late." Abby shakes her head.

Her daughter was always late for events no doubt, even at her first showcase, she ran 15 minutes late due to some problem she ran into because of her heels and no doubt Clarke was just using that as an excuse. Everyone else were in the function room, Jake entertaining the guests that were already there, along with Octavia and Lincoln who were talking to some of Lincoln's friends. Raven, Anya and Abby had excused themselves to head upstairs and not but two seconds later, Clarke and Lexa comes up the stairs, hand in hand, laughing at each other. Raven and Anya had shit eating grins on their faces, while Abby was amused with the big crocodile of a plush toy was in Clarke's arms.

"About time you two lovebirds showed up. We were starting to miss you guys already." Anya comments, staring at the big plush toy as well.

"Shut up An. You took off this morning to go jet skiing. So shut your trap."

"Alright ladies. Try not to kill each other okay? As usual your always late Clarke, so I suggest you go get changed. Lexa, you look fine, so why don't you along with Raven and Anya, follow me downstairs?"

"Ahhhhh mom. Why can't Lexa follow?"

"Jesus. You two will be back together again in less than 20 minutes. Go get changed."

Clarke huffs out in annoyance but Lexa pulls her in for a soft kiss and nudges her forward. Reluctantly, Clarke abides and disappears into the room, before Anya and Raven walks up and encircles Lexa's hips with their arms, both of them smiling like idiots.


"Wow Lexa. You really went all out to get her a big huge ass Crocodile? Smooth Commander. Real smooth. Can I just date you instead or do you officially belong to Clarke forever?" Raven smiles devilishly, Abby walking over and smacking her across the head.

"You dare not try and break them up by trying to date Lexa, Raven. I'm already in love with Lexa but I'm not in love with you. So scat."

"Eh no fair. Why won't you love me Mama G?" Raven gives the puppy dog eyes but Abby wasn't having any of it.

"Because your language is horrible, your ideas are out of this world and you have an ego that needs tuning down. I'm surprised your ego is that high still." Lexa all but snickered loudly, Anya clamping her mouth shut or she knew she wasn't getting any that night.

"That's just sad. Like really sad. Anyways, care to join us at the makeshift bar Lexa? We have plenty of stories to share. Don't we Lexa?" Raven turns her attention to Lexa, giving her the eyebrows and Lexa all but groaned, knowing she won't be getting out of this one anytime soon.

"Oh don't worry sis. We'll take it easy on ya!"

"God save my soul."


Clarke had changed her t-shirt and jacket to a blue blouse with black jeans. Knowing that Lexa had a tendency to stare at her eyes, and that she claimed that her favourite color was blue. To Clarke, her favourite color was green. It was so cheesy. Each other's eyes were each other's favourite color. SO after she got dressed, she made her way back downstairs and the worst thing to happen was bumping into the person she hated the most.


"Hello princess. You look beautiful." Clarke wanted to throw up in his face.

How dare he show up here after what he did. He may be my father's right hand man, but that doesn't give him any right to talk to me. Let along even look at me after all these years and not even a slight tinge of regret was in his fuck face.

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