Chapter 25: Make It Right

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"Why didn't you tell me kiddo? He hurt you all those years ago and you didn't tell me and your mother."

Jake's voice was soothing when he placed a small ice pack on her cheeks, smiling warmly at his daughter but with concern written all over his eyes. Clarke was still trying to process what just happened. The blood, the groans and grunts coming from Lexa as she stood by and watched her girlfriend beat the shit out of the man who hit her. Clarke was thankful that her mother came to her and held her back. What surprised her the most was Lexa. Even out of her rage, she managed to control herself, even making Finn confess to what he did, not caring about anything else except protecting her. She was truly remarkable.

"I didn't want you to cut off contact with his parents at that time dad. Your business was important and you and his dad were doing great. That's why I took off dad. I'm sorry I didn't say anything dad. I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry about kiddo. I just wished I could have seen it sooner. How much you hated him."

"It's okay dad. I'm just glad he's gone."

"And you really did find the right girl to spend the rest of your life with kid. I give you that. She really is something." Jake smiles, knowing that he was proud of his future daughter in law for standing up and protecting her when Finn slapped Clarke.

"She's my soulmate dad. I really love her. Where is she anyway?" Clarke looked around for Lexa but she was nowhere to be found except for Raven and Octavia leaning their heads on the table.

She than realised her friends were in a drunken state, having to sober up just to be by their friend's side. She always enjoyed her friend's craziness when they were all drunk and partying, but they would also be there for her even in their drunken state to take care of her. Clarke turns back to her father, who gave her a warm smile a nudged his head to the left, giving her an indication that her mother had taken Lexa to her office.

"Go take care of her. She needs some tender loving care after all the big hoohaa. Go get her." Clarke hugs her father before standing up and walking away.

She had a lot of loving to do. And she was going to make Lexa right at home with her.



Lexa flinched in pain as Abby used the tweezers to take out a small shard of glass that was lodged in her skin just above her eyebrow. Lincoln was holding her head straight while Anya held her arms down to the side.

"Maybe if you stopped moving so much Lexa, it wouldn't hurt that much."

"It hurts even when I move or not." Lexa gritted her teeth when Abby took out another small piece from her cheek.

Lexa's eyes were bruised, her face swollen from the hit of the bottle, a large cut right above her eyebrow and her right eye turning blue black. Abby had wrapped up both of Lexa's knuckles, having turned red raw from the punching. Lexa hoped that that asshole would be thinking twice on ever coming back to the mansion. Next, once all the glass was removed, Abby took out a needle and thread, dipping it in alcohol before beginning to stitch up the gash along Lexa's eyebrow. Abby didn't dare give Lexa any painkillers or such, not wanting to create problems for her condition. Abby couldn't give her any medicine so Lexa had to suffer through it without the painkillers until she has a full diagnostic on Lexa's condition. She was supposed to receive her information from Dr. Jaha, her medical doctor in San Francisco, although the information was strictly confidential between the doctor and the patient, Abby had managed to convince him otherwise.

Anya grunted when her big sister dug her nails into her skin and Lincoln all but wanted to laugh. "Jesus Lexa. I know it hurts but digging your nails into mine aint helping ya know."

"Shut up An. Why don't you try having a bottle smashed into your face and see how that works out for you." Lexa snapped, making Abby pull tighter on her stitches.

"Hush Lexa. What did I say about sitting still? Or do you want me to stitch up your eye too?"


"Then zip it."

Lexa groaned and closed her eyes, trying her best to rid the pain that was throbbing on the right side of her face. She could use a glass of vodka or tequila right now. Just then, she felt Anya's grip be released on her, only for it to be replaced by the soft loving hands that she held so much, that she had grown to enjoy, intertwined their fingers together. Lexa immediately relaxed, feeling the softness on her hands as Abby fixes her up. Lexa finally opens her eyes to stare at ocean blue, making her heart melt with pure love and affection. Lexa catches the word that Clarke mouths, 'Hey' and Lexa only manages to give a small smile, knowing her girlfriend was safe.

"Alright Lexa. Your all patched up. So I suggest you get some sleep, I'll let Clarke feed you cookies with milk then get some sleep. As your doctor and as your mother, I would suggest you refrain from having sex for the next few days until your face heals. And bed rest too. I'll check up on you in the morning. Got it?"

Lexa gives Abby a groan of embarrassment, Anya snickered loudly to the side, Lincoln whistles and walks out of the room and Clarke covered her face in embarrassment. The older Griffin really enjoyed being blunt. Way too overly blunt.

"Yeah okay got it."

Lexa slides iff the table, making her way out, Clarke following behind and smiling at her mom, mouthing a thank you on the way out and bringing Lexa upstairs towards their bedroom.

"Do you think they had sex already Mama G?" Anya asks as she steps forward to stand beside Abby, watching the pair head upstairs.

"Nope. If they did, I would know. You on the other hand, ain't exactly that subtle about your sex life with Raven. Keep it down. It's bad enough I have another hormonal group of adults beside your room."

"Uhhhh sorry." Anya blushes hard, Abby having made rounds at night to check up on them before heading to bed and sounds coming from their rooms were the only thing that gives away that they were having sex.

"Get some sleep. We are going to get cheesy with the two tomorrow. And it's going to be good."

"Oh god. Do I want to know?"

"Oh honey, trust me."

"Oh boy."


End of Chapter 25

xx Alex

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