Chapter 39: Faded To Black

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"You know you can never win her Lex."

"What do you want Costia? Isn't it enough that you walked away, screaming and hollering at me and now you come here to torment me? Really?"

Lexa was standing out in the backyard, away from the party, away from everyone else, only to have Costia follow her.

"I missed you."

"Yeah sure. Why don't you run along like the good little girl you are for Nia? Perhaps you belong with her and her son than you belong here."

"You think it was easy for me Lexa? You show up at night drunk out of your mind, and to tell me that you're having heart problems and that you won't live to see the next two fucking years? SO what, you be the selfish one and keep me with you until the day you die? No, I didn't sign up for that kind of life. I deserve my happiness to you know."

Lexa looked at Costia with anger in her eyes. "You know; it was a lucky thing I met Clarke. Because she at least understood the meaning of love. Whereby you stand by each other's side through thick or thin even if one of us is about to enter the fucking grave. But you, you wanted to live the high life. And I was dumb enough to even be with you from the very start."

"Wow Lex. Really wow. Let me ask you this, if you really do love Clarke that much, why don't you set her free? Why make her love you when you are going to die? Nia was right. You really are one selfish bitch. Only doing things for your own good. I bet you haven't even told her have you?" Costia folds her arms to look at Lexa who was staring out into the distance.


Costia then realises that Clarke was standing there the entire time, and she pulls a soft sigh. For as evil as she could be, she did still feel something for Lexa. No matter what. "Well then, looks like the cat is out of the bag."

Costia turns to walk away, not saying a word to Clarke who let her tears spill when she heard the entire conversation between the two. Lexa didn't register the words into her brain at first, but only when she turns around to find Clarke standing there, she felt her words choke up in her throat.

"You're dying?" Was all the words that came out through Clarke's lips.

"Yes. I wanted to tell you Clarke. I really did but I..."

"So this was all just a lie then? The money, the fake fiancé escapade? So that you could live out your remaining days with someone to be happy and then just ask your own sister to bury you in the grave? Because clearly from what she meant, you only used this to your advantage. What was is for Lexa? To get to my dad? To other investors for your work? WHAT IS IT?"

"Please Clarke. None of this was a fake. Yes okay maybe I was selfish in not telling you about my disease. Yes. But that doesn't mean I don't love you. I fell in love with you because I love you for who you are Clarke. I didn't do this, for business. I didn't do this for anything else. I was content to just die. But Anya, she still believed in hope and she made me come on this ride. And I thought it would just be simple touch and go. But no... I fell deeply, madly in love with you. Please Clarke. You have to believe me."

Lexa was then reduced to begging. Clarke took this whole thing the wrong way. And she didn't know if Clarke would actually believe her words anymore for she lied. She lied about her heart condition.

"Wow Lexa. What a great excuse. You could have just said that you still loved Costia and the heart disease thing really had me there for a moment. Good luck with her Lexa. Because were done."

Unbelievable. Lexa was just in shock. Did Clarke just take this as an excuse? Why? What made her think that way? Lexa wanted to chase after Clarke, to tell her that everything was true. That she was really sick. But then, her chest became tight, and she couldn't breathe. Her heart pounded in her head as she crashed to the floor. Tears spilled from her eyes as she tried to call for help, but her chest was hurting so badly, he could couldn't even scream. She curled up into a ball, sweat covering her forehead as she held on for dear life. She wished that Clarke would come back and let her tell her that she never lied. But now, her vision started to blur and she felt herself losing consciousness.

"I'm sorry Clarke. I'm so sorry..."

And everything faded to black.


End of Chapter 39

xx Alex

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