Chapter 32: Into The Woods

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"Clarke slow down. We are going to get lost if you keep disappearing into the trees love."

Lexa cursed for Clarke was giggling and running around Lexa, wanting to annoy her with her playfulness. They weren't that far away from the campsite and she brought her phone along just in case they actually do get lost, she had a phone to contact someone. It was a cooling night, Lexa was wearing a pair of shorts and a hoodie, following Clarke who was dressed in something similar, only that her shorts were much longer. Lexa walked forward, letting Clarke's giggles come and go from time to time until eventually they reached a clearing. Lexa walked out into the open and she was greeted by the sight of a small river and the stars that were sparkling brightly in the sky. Clarke emerges from behind and wraps her arms around Lexa, smiling giddily into her shoulders.

"Like the view?"

"It's... wow. How did you know about this place?"

"I googled it. You told me you like space. So I thought the stars would be something you enjoyed too. That's why I brought you here. You can just lay here and watch it." Lexa turns around in her arms and kisses her, smiling into their kiss at the sweet effort Clarke took to bring Lexa to an open space.

"Come. Lay with me."

The two woman settled down on the soft patch of grass, Clarke opening her arms for Lexa to join her and they relaxed, their eyes looking up to the night sky. Clarke traced Lexa's arm, just enjoying the view and count the number of shooting stars that go by.

"Is this the kind of dream you wanted to live Lexa? Just laying under the stars every night, counting shooting stars and making a wish?"

"Yeah. It is." Clarke stared at the beauty before her, and soon, lust filled her needs to her very core. She wanted to take this woman right here, right now.



Clarke moves to pull Lexa's head up to meet her gaze, before their lips touched again. This kiss was different than any other kiss they shared. This was one that was filled with passion and desire, on whereby they were wanting more than just making out. It was rather dark, but with the moonlight shining down on them, Clarke pulled away and saw the dark desire that laid in those forest green eyes. She saw lust and hunger, and Clarke turned their positions over, laying Lexa on the ground flat and she straddled Lexa's hips. Clarke bent down, crashing their lips together hungrily, Lexa's arms moved up to Clarke's thighs, rubbing it up and down slowly. Soft moans were released into each other's mouth, Clarke moves back up to take off her jacket and shirt. During that small period of time, Lexa took the chance to look at Clarke's body, memorising all the dips and curves around her slim figure, but her breasts, god they were perfect. It was slightly bigger than Lexa's but it was just perfect to Lexa.

Once Clarke was out of her clothing, her naked body lay bare for Lexa to view before moving back down onto her. Lexa immediately took the opportunity to take Clarke's nipple in her mouth, sucking and nipping at her bud, making Clarke moan into Lexa's shoulders before biting down on her pulse point. Lexa releases a gasp at sheer pain that was mixed in with pleasure, bending her head backwards to give Clarke all the access she needed. Blood filled Clarke's mouth, her tongue sucking and licking endlessly at the bite mark. Both woman we hot and sweaty, Lexa pushing Clarke up and taking off her clothes, Clarke greedily pulling it off as they kissed with each layer that came off, Clarke's hands fumbling with the button and zipper of Lexa's shorts, ripping it off in one go and so did Lexa during their sloppy kisses. Completely naked, both woman was pressed together, wanting as much contact as possible. Naked skin against naked skin, both setting fires in their trail.

This was happening. Clarke and Lexa's mind were racing rapidly, having given in to their wanted desires' after spending close to two weeks together. Making out was only a stepping stone to their relationship, but they knew deep down that they wanted more. And they were more than ready to consummate their love. Clarke worshipped Lexa's toned body, trailing wet kisses down Lexa's valleys. Before Clarke could continue, Lexa takes control of the situation and flips them over, pinning Clarke's arms to the ground. Soft pants filled their surroundings, and Lexa thanked the gods for she had taken her meds not too long ago and she was safe for sex. Lexa dragged her hand down the middle of her stomach, feeling Clarke's stomach tense and Clarke arched her back when Lexa traced her fingers just above her pulsing sex. Clarke gasped, her eyes shut close as she moaned, wanting Lexa to take her there and then. But Lexa wanted to go slow. She wanted to touch every part of her skin, set fire to her smooth skin that made Lexa's stomach churn with thirst. She had longed for someone else's skin, touch and love. But this was different than her sleeping with Costia. This was nothing compared to the woman she had slept with over her early years. This was Clarke Griffin. The annoying woman who believed so much in fairy tales that she was consummating her love with. Each kiss she left on Clarke, made her bolder and bolder, finally latching on to the sensitive bud of Clarke's breast. She nipped and sucked, twirling her other nipple between her long and soft fingers, drawing out whimpers and soft pants from Clarke.

Releasing her nipple with a pop, Lexa kissed her way down to Clarke's sex, swiping her tongue along the opening to have a taste of the beauty before her, sweetness and pleasure entering her mouth. Lexa continues to the insides of Clarke's thighs, leaving bite marks on the inside as she kisses the marks softly and smoothly. Taking Clarke's legs and putting them over her shoulders, Lexa dives back into Clarke's wet sex, sending her tongue in and sucked on her opening. Clarke's moans increased, making Lexa speed up her tongue administrations and ensuring that nothing leaves past her lips as she circled her tongue continuously around Clarke's clit, her hot breaths adding to Clarke's pulsing hot walls. Clarke gripped Lexa's hair, pushing her further in as she felt herself work up, close to reaching her orgasmic state. Lexa took the chance and shoved two fingers into Clarke's walls, sending Clarke over the edge when Lexa pumped her fingers in an out, making Clarke scream. It was pure bliss. It was heaven. Lexa felt Clarke's juices spill down the sides of her mouth, helping Clarke to ride out her orgasm.

Lexa removes herself from the place she loves the most, crawls her way up panting and lays on top of Clarke, kissing her open mouth for Clarke to taste herself. Of how sweet and delicious she really is. Taking her fingers that were previously in Clarke's hot walls, Clarke takes them in her mouth, sucking and licking, making Lexa drip in wetness at the hotness of her lover. Clarke rolls them over, and pushing Lexa down roughly. Clarke rakes her hand down Lexa's middle, gripping both her breasts and massaging them as she leans in to an open mouth kiss. Tongues battle for dominance as she tries her best to tame the wild brunette who was growing increasingly needy. But Clarke slides three fingers into Lexa's core, making her arch her back incredibly as she gasps out in pleasure and clenches the grass as Clarke spreads Lexa's legs wider as she curls her fingers inside her walls that were closing in gradually. Biting on the wound that Clarke made earlier, Lexa hisses out in pain, but immediately yelps out when Clarke had hit her G-spot, causing Lexa to spiral into her first waves of pleasure, her orgasm reaching it's peak. Lexa's eyes roll backwards and she crashes down on to the ground. Clarke continues her administrations and watches in awe as her girlfriend squirms under her, sensitive after her cataclysmic orgasm. Once Lexa had relaxed, Clarke removes her fingers and sucks them dry before laying her head down on Lexa's stomach.

"Fuck..." Lexa moans, clearly spent from making love.

"That good until you had to curse?"

"Duhhhhh... you got me out of breath that's for sure."

"Your welcome."

Clarke kisses Lexa's stomach before rolling off her and intertwining their hands together. "I wonder what the rest are up to."

"Most probably Anya and Raven are fucking like rabbits, Lincoln and O might still be eating or at most fucking too."

"Mmmmmm agreed. If we ever get a house together, make sure we have a rooftop opening where we can fuck and watch the stars at the same time. Oh and the house is just for ourselves." That's when Clarke felt Lexa's grip tighten on her hand.

"You... you want to move in with me?" Lexa looks at Clarke with wide eyes and Clarke all but kicked herself for being too forward.

"I...uhhhhh... did I say that? Ummmm... wow okay I...uhhhh maybe... no wait... I do.." Clarke mumbled her words before Lexa clamps Clarke's mouth.

"You talk too much. But it's a yes. I want you to move in with me. And then I can kick Anya out. Ooooh we could swap. Anya gets your place and you get mine. Fair deal? I mean Anya and Raven are fuck buddies. So might as well ship them off on the titanic and they can die together."

"Okay maybe not that harsh with them. Just enough for them to suffer a little and then were good."

Clarke laughs and rolls back onto Lexa, kissing her stomach and blowing bubbles, making Lexa squirm and giggle at her girlfriend's schematics. Just before Clarke could bite into the skin, Lexa yelps out and sits up shifting sideways as she looks down at her ass.


"Something poked my ass Clarke. Fuck!"

"I think we should continue this in the tent with the soft blanket yeah?"

"You got that right."


End of Chapter 32

xx Alex

30 Days FiancéOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora