Those Three Were Rather Nosy...

Start from the beginning

"Oh hell, he's going towards the water!" Whisper shouted Anguirus.

Rodan scowled at her. "Exclaim that louder why don't you!?"

"Both of you shut up!" Queen Caesar ordered. "With every problem, there's a solution!"

Anguirus gave her a skeptic stare. "And that solution is?"

"... I may have an Idea." Queen Caesar hesitantly answered.

Gojira was getting waste deep into the ocean when he heard a set of footsteps approaching and turned to see the one of the three Earth Defenders no longer "hiding". It was Queen Caesar and she strode up to Gojira with an uneasy smile. Those tagolongs were up to something. "Hello, Mister Gojira!"

"Mister?" Gojira questioned but shook his head. "What are you over here for? The space trash is sticking to their area, no thanks to you all."

Queen Caesar huffed and haughtily said, "Rather rude thing to say to a local resident."

Gojira glared down at the mammalian monster woman and retorted with, "As far as I'm concerned, it's my kin that owns it and you're all just living on it. Your word means little."

"Pfft!" Queen Ghidorah had to quickly put her hands over her mouth.

Gojira heard and glared at her before shouting, "You have something to say back there!?" His dorsal plates began to glow ominously. "Would you like to come over and say it!?"

"Oh nothing!" Queen Ghidorah quickly replied, doing her best to hold in her laughter. Gojira's line about the island amused her considering how he isolated himself here and her natural disrespect toward's Earth's Supposed queen. She went on to mutter, "Just laughing at your joke-gah!" Her head whipped back from Gojira throwing a rock against her forehead. "Mother fucker!"

"Superb throw there." The Earth Kaiju Girl complimented.

Gojira snorted dismissively and shrugged. "I wasn't trying too hard."

"I see." Queen Caesar coughed into her hands. "Anyhow, I found myself fascinated with you and I was wondering," Suddenly, Queen Caesar struck a pose, bending over a little with a hand on her knee and other hand with her index finger against her plush lips, her bust and posterior being prominently displayed. Whenever she struck this pose, some humans, mostly men, and a few women, would fine themselves swooning or at least soften up to her instantly. But she didn't just do the pose. No, what helped sink in it in was when she used a technique to give herself "pup" eyes.

With that pose, she asked, "Would you be interested in a chat over some fresh food I caught?"

Gojira's face wasn't what she expected as his stare was rather dull. Give her credit, it wasn't his usual default angry at least. "Uh huuh... I catch my own food."

"A-are you sure?" Queen Caesar somehow posed a little harder. "Dining can be much better with company."

"Not if you're me." He plainly stated.

'I bet.' Queen Caesar told herself. She ceased her posing and said, "If you simply changed up your attitude -"

"I shall stop you right there, queen." Gojira hissed out her title. "I don't care for any of you nor do I care to try. Your fascination means nothing. Leave me be, mammal." With that closing statement, he went off to continue his business, leaving behind a pouting and frustrated Queen Caesar.

"What an absolute ass." The Kaiju Girl growled. "Guess it's all up to those two now." She glanced over to see the aliens snickering and with a hmph, she flipped them off and they subsequently laughed harder.

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