Most of them needed to be told twice because they were still in shock over what just took place.

"Uraraka. We have to go now" Mina placed a hand on Ochako's shoulder. Her face was filled with hundreds of emotions mixed together.

"T-this can't be real! T-this has to be a joke! T-that couldn't have been Deku! It had to have been Toga disgusting as him! " Ochako was refusing to believe that Izuku of all people was the traitor.

" Ochako... Toga was right beside him as they left. I'm so, so sorry but... This is reality" Mina couldn't imagine how she was feeling. She herself was hurt but she knew Ochako was feeling hundreds of times worse.

Ochako turned and planted her face I to her shoulder and she began to sob loudly.

Mina was there to comfort her.

"Mina. Uraraka. I'm sorry we have to go" Iida reminded them.

"C'mon Ochako. Let's get you inside" Mina held her arm leading her away.

" Wait" Ochako stopped.

She looked at the ground near where the portal was and there was a small book just laying there.

She bent down and picked it up and held in in her hands examining it.

"T-this is Dekus!" Ochako figured he must have dropped it on the way out.

On accident or purpose she didn't know.

She took it with her as the class passed All might who was there at the incident.

He had no idea that Izuku was a traitor. And the worst part was he had one for all.

' I can't imagine what a Villian could do with that quirk. But out of all the students here... I trusted him the most' All might wiped away a tear from his eye.

*At the present moment

"AHHHHHHHHH!" Ochako woke up screaming. She had the same dream again for the third night in a row, where Izuku was revealed as the traitor.

*Knock knock*

"Ochako are you alright? I was passing by and I heard you scream. " A voice called out that Ochako realized that it belonged to Asui asked as she opened the door.

"Y-yeah. The lighting just scared me a bit is all" Ochako lied to her.

" Do you want me to stay and talk for a bit?" Asui asked her.

" No thanks. I'm fine just need to go back to sleep is all" Ochako politely declined her offer.

" If you say so. Goodnight" Asui left and Ochako closed the door.

Ochako leaned her forehead up against the door. She wanted nothing more than to bang her head against it but that would wake up people.

Suddenly Ochako felt a breeze against her and a bit of water splashed her as she felt the cold air hit her skin.

She looked to find that her window was fully open.

'How did that happen?' She wondered. She walked over and closed the door. Just than the lights came on in her room.

She looked around and her face lost all of it's color.

Standing there was none other than Izuku, aka the U. A. traitor, himself standing right there in her room.

"D-deku?" Ochako couldn't believe it. Part of her didn't want to believe because if he really was here that means she has to take him down.

"Hey Ochako" Izuku said emotionless.

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