Forced Marriage part 6

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That's all what I wanted to say.I'm sorry.Don't think something else.We can't be nothing more than friends"he said.A smile appeared in your face.He was changing.
A new Taehyung was coming.
"I'll be going now"he said and left.You weren't in pain anymore.
"I will wait Taehyung,every pain that you have I will try to heal them for you"you mumbled to yourself as you saw his figure walking away....

Then you headed back in your workshop.You looked for Jungkook but he was no were  to see.
"If you are looking for your friend he's gone"Sua Ah said to you,You were feeling a little bad since you didn't spend time with your best friend.
"Why did he left like this"you asked yourself but then you needed to get back to work.

.....Time skip.....

You finished work and headed home.You weren't tired at all.The words that Taehyung said to you keep repeating in your mind as in your lips formed a smile.
You opened the door and went inside.Taehyung was in the kitchen he was preparing something delicious because the nice smell come in your nose.
"I'm home.Omg this look so delicious"you said heading toward Taehyung.You lifted your hand to catch something to eat but Taehyun slap you.
"Ouch what's wrong with you"you asked him pouting.
"You pig stop messing around.I'm still not finished cooking."he said,did he just called you pig?Yes he did.
"Who are you calling pig you Alien"you said to him teasing him back.You both started to say funny things to each other.You were happy that finally Taehyung was being more comfortable with you,he wasn't as cold as he was before.In Taehyung lips formed a smile.
"You should smile more often"you said to him seeing his beautiful boxy smile.You were lost in his smile who soon vanished.

"I'm done with cooking"he said,changing the topic.
"Wait let me help you"you said to him catching the food and putting at table.You both eated the food who  was super delicious.
"I didn't know that you cook so well Taehyung"you said to him.A pink shade was in his face.
"I cooked because I couldn't stand eating your gross food"he said,smirking.
"Aaahh you little brat"you cursed at him but immediately puted a hand in your mouth hoping he haven't heard anything.
"I heard it"he said you lowered your head from embarrassment....
The air seemed awkward since both of you were sitting in the sofa now without talking a word.
"I"you both said at the same time.You started to laught.
"You talk first"he said to you but you wanted him to talk first.
"No go on you talk first"you said to him and he nodded in response.
"Well tomorrow Namjoon wants to introduce his girlfriend to us will you come?"he asked you and not ordered you...
"Sure I will"you said to him smiling but his expression was cold.In one moment he look like he's going to laught and the other moment he turns cold as stone.
"What were you about to say before"he asked you but you didn't answer.You wanted to say him if both of you can hang out or something like that but he already have make plans.
"Ah no nothing.Are we going to sleep now? "You asked without knowing what to ask else.He nodded and both of you went upstairs.
The situation was even awkward now.Taehyung saw that you were uncomfortable and he was about to lay in the sofa.
"I'll sleep here you sleep in the bed "he said but you catched his hand.

"No need for That I mean it's been a while since when we begin to sleep together here.The fact that now our relationship it's more than some strangers don't change the fact that we can sleep here right"you said to him.You and Taehyung have been for weeks sleeping together like strangers and with what you see that will not change.
"Uh..okay. .Good night"he said and layed down in his side of bed.
"Good night"you said and layed in the bed next to him.You closed your eyes so you could fall asleep fast you didn't want to see Taehyung staring at you.Actually he had already fall asleep.
"Ohh..already he's sleeping "You mumbled to yourself.After some time you did the same..

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