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A strong slam was heard from the door. Your eyes were half closed but you couldn't give up..Seeing the person who came in bringed hope again to you...He came to save you,he really did.Another tear slipped from your eyes.

📍Taehyung point of view 📍

What Shiori told me really maked me confused,angry,disgusted..I couldn't believe that Areum the girl I once loved more than my life did all those things to my wife..She really broked my heart once again,she broked my trust...I couldn't believe once I loved a person like her...With what Shiori told me Areum was a psychopath she kan kill my Y/N ,if something happen to her I can't live.

I still can't believe all this I still can't believe I am going to be a father...Y/N is pregnant..with my..child..Oh how much I want her to be in my arms,i miss her,I miss her touch,her voice I miss everything about her...She's in danger out there,if something happen to her I will never forgive myself,I need to find and save her..

As I was trying to find a way to find Y/N location Shiori's phone rang...Seeing her face expression I understood something happened..
"Who was?"I asked her,she saw me and smiled.

"I think i have find Y/N location..There are three addresses we need to check..I really hope Y/N is in one of those"she said..My heart was beating faster and faster.Without loosing time we went outside.Jungkook was following Me he didn't want to leave me alone..I understand him,Y/N was his best friend they were more than friends,he was with her and comforted her when I wasn't able I really owe him a lot.
"I'm coming to"Namjoon and Shiori said together.

"I want to come to..I-i..please Taehyung"she said with teary eyes.
"Fine..Namjoon take Shiori in your car meanwhile me and Jungkok will drive my car"I said to them,I couldn't lose anymore time so I immediately started to drive.Shiori sended me all the locations..A lot of questions were in my mind what if I don't go in time,what if something bad have happen to Y/N ,I thought I was going to go insane.

We all went to the first location I really hoped Y/N to be there but no she wasn't there.I felt my eyes getting teary again but I needed to check the two other places as well.
"Where is she?"Jungkook shouted from the other side after we arrived to the other place. .
"Y/N do you hear us..Please Y/N answer"they all started to shout..I keept calling her nan but no One answered..Now it was only one option,and that was the last place we needed to check..If Y/N is not there either I don't know what I'm going to do..
I started to drive even faster that before..To soon we were at the last location..It was an abandoned place,with old buildings,there weren't a foot of human..My eye catched a old building it looked like a fabric.No one was around there..

I told the others to go and check there.Seeing the big door in front of me I slammed it with my leg which caused a loud Noise...I feelt my heart becoming weaker seeing the figure of a girl laying in the floor it was my Y/N...

*end of Taehyung point of view*

📍back at Y/N📍

"Taehyung"that's all what she managed to say..He was to weak even to smile but her eyes they were sparkling her eyes talked for her..
Areum was shocked seeing Taehyung there..She was catched off guard..
"Tae I can explain it's not like it looks,,You know I would never do that right?"she tried to justify her herself with lame excuses.

"You're gona pay for this Areum"Taehyung shouted and sent her a death glare..He kneeled down hugging your figure.Jungkook and the others camed as well.
"Y/N babe how are you? please don't be afraid now I'm here"Taehyung said to you.Being in his embrace was the most wonderful thing ever.Feeling his warmth,it was warming your heart.
"Tae my baby.aaahhhgg"you said touching your belly..Taehyung took off the ropes and taked you in a bridal style..

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