I tap the other two on their shoulders and motion for us to leave, They nod and we slowly back out of the tunnel.

"He's going up." - Scar

"How do you know?" - Mumbo

"I heard soul sand and a water elevator, there was no way I heard it from any other source and there is no other escape. Therefore he is heading up." - Scar

"How? Just how?" - Mumbo

"Mumbo, we're not spoons." - Iskall

"Whatever. How are we going to get up? You guys blocked off the elevators." - Mumbo

"Let's see... It'll take too long to if we take the nether portal to your base and fly in through the top..." - Scar

"Why don't we just fly up through the middle?" - Iskall

"It's been blocked off." - Mumbo

"We can break through it easily." - Scar

"Let's do it then." - Iskall

Iskall and I flew up to the blockage, Mumbo had to stay on the ground, and after a few tries and the help of Mumbo from the ground directing us we finally managed to break a single block, we climbed through and began widening the hole so Mumbo could fly up, I could hear blocks breaking above us so Grian was still there.

We were giggling silently from above as Mumbo tried and failed to activate his elytra, then the sound of blocks breaking stopped and I knew that Grian was almost gone.

"Iskall," I whispered, "maybe we should pick him up. Grian's stopped breaking blocks." He nodded and we flew down together, I grabbed one of Mumbo's arms and Iskall got the other, together we rocketed up to Grian's aviary.

I saw his face looking down at us. When he saw us flying up he pulled back just as when reached the top. Iskall and I dropped Mumbo on the ground next to Grian who had backed himself up against the wall furthest away from the big gaping hole. Iskall and I, unfortunately, landed up on the roof.

"GRIAN!" Yelled Mumbo as he raced over to Grian who yelped at the sudden appearance of his best friend who he happened to be running away from. We watched as Mumbo changed course when Grian started running for the hole and gripped on to the back of his sweater. Mumbo pulled the small builder into a forced hug, pinning his arms as he cried out in pain. Grian was struggling pretty hard so we jumped down and joined the group hug.

"Let me go!" He demanded.

"Not until you explain." - Scar

"I already told you, they'll kill you!" - Grian

"We don't care Grian. Just tell us, please. We won't tell anyone." - Iskall

"Yeah, what he said." - Mumbo

"ARI, HELP ME!" He screamed. Wait, Ari? Wasn't that his birb? Before I could ask what he meant, every birb that had been hanging around outside suddenly flew inside and swarmed us. They pecked at everything they could get at, every piece of exposed skin. I let go of Grian and raised my arms to protect my face.

Through all the birbs I managed to get a glimpse of Grian running to the edge but it was Iskall who somehow got through the chaos.

"Gree *cough* on." The hermit snapped around and looked at Iskall with pure fear in his eyes while he backed all the way to the edge.

"Get away from me Sam." Then he jumped.

"NOOOOOO!" Mumbo screamed through the chaos. All the birbs cleared out of the room and we all ran to the edge and looked down for any sign of little prankster, nothing. Mumbo sank to his knees,

"He didn't have an elytra equipped. Did he just commit suicide?" - Mumbo (I know he would have just respawned but I wanted some angst so they're all reacting like that him doing that a bad thing in the game. I know it is irl but not in-game.)

"There was no death message." - Scar

"Then where did he go?" - Iskall

"I don't know but look." I pointed to a piece of paper laying on the ground, which was probably left there in the confusion. "Maybe a clue?"

I walked over and read it out loud for the others.

"'Dear Hermits,

If you are reading this then you have either gone through my stuff, in which case put it back this doesn't apply to you. Or I've purposely left this for you, in that case, read on.

I need to leave the island because the library has been comprised and it is no longer safe for me to stay on with you guys.

I wish I could tell you more but I don't want to put you in danger. If my suspicions are correct, you would all be in grave danger if I did.

Do not try and follow me if you value your life, sanity or freedom.

I will be fine and I may return, someday.


There was a long silence before Mumbo spoke up,

"What have we done?"




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