27 ~ wee vexes

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"b-bu' you ge' pick' on cause of me an' when i ge' pick' on you always help me bu' when you ge' pick' on i d-don' help much." hyunsuk mumbled quietly, wrapping his own arms around soomin and smushing his cheek against her shoulder.

"don't blame yourself for that, we only got picked on cause those meanies had nothing better to do. and you do help me! you always make me feel better and are a really great friend."

"really? you don' think i'm annoying? an' my speaking 'rouble d-doesn' bother you?"

"i think you're annoyingly cute. everything about you is cute. your eyes, your nose, your lips, your hair. your voice and your speaking too. hwang hyunsuk is one hundred percent cute." hyunsuk giggled as soomin pinched his cheeks, booped his nose and tickled his sides as she spoke. "and your laugh."

"thanks soo, you're c-cute too."

"i know i am, now come help me change my daddy's name from 'walmart dude' to 'daddy.' "

although the pair continued to mess around and successfully changed jisung's contact for minho, giggling mischievously all the while, soomin still felt a heavy weight in her heart. hyunsuk had speech deficiencies practically from birth, the cause still undefined. unfortunately for the boy, his parents couldn't afford speech therapy and saved up until they could meanwhile hyunsuk's speech only seemed to worsen as he grew older. the petite brunette was quite smart for his age though, top of his class even among students a grade older than him and he would have soared through school like a breeze if not for the kids who'd harass him any chance they got.

different tended to be looked down upon by society and elementary school grounds were not exempt from the prejudice's range. few joined in on the taunting though, the prime instigator having been youngdo. the worst part, soomin would say, was everyone else watching as they were tormented. kids they were acquainted with silently witnessing their torture. jeongin had lectured the entire class on bullying and bystanding and how equally horrible both acts were but the lesson did nothing to change what had already been done. 

many fellow students apologized to soomin and hyunsuk for turning a blind eye to their suffering but none of their 'sorry's could reverse the tears from hyunsuk soomin would struggle to wipe away. soomin didn't want their words of remorse, she wanted them to make up to her and hyunsuk the liquid sadness they dripped and the pain the shared. 

but that didn't seem to be happening so instead of entertaining them with acceptance she had ignored them and encouraged hyunsuk to do so as well, though had trouble doing so with his polite nature. soomin took it upon herself to ensure no more harm would come to her and her loved ones and she was going to do her best to keep her promise. and so the eight year old and seven year old continued watching barbie movies to pass the time until the gathering came to an end and all went to their separate homes.

"take care you three, drive safe!" felix hugged the trey as they stepped out of the doorway, propping a sleeping youngjin on his hip who had passed out after being fed.

"will do, you guys take care of yourselves too. we'll see you soon hopefully, i'm gonna miss hanging out with youngjin." jisung kissed one of the boy's cheeks who didn't rouse in the slightest, mouth open as he breathed softly.

"i'm sure he'll miss you too, it seemed you're the only other person he wants to hold him except his papa." changbin smiled defeatedly, referencing everyone's countless attempts to persuade the baby to trust them only to be denied, including changbin.

jisung laughed. "true, but i'm sure he'll warm up to you soon enough, he probably just mistakes me for lix."

"maybe. anyways, we had a great time, call us if anything."


minho and jisung led a sleepy soomin to the car, driving home in a comfortable silence as they simply enjoyed each other's presence.

"what's on your mind?" jisung looked to minho as he spoke, tearing his gaze away from the view of houses and streets zipping by.

"two things really. one, i'm really happy. after felix left home and never spoke to me again for years i felt terrible. i lost my only brother, he was practically dead to me. now i get to be an uncle and it's hard to believe how drastically things have changed but i'm really happy." jisung smiled at that, realizing him and the older were much more similar than it seemed. both abandoned by people they loved who had now found their way back into their lives. "and i have you to thank, if not for you i wouldn't be here right now."

"well then, we should call it even early because we both know the 'thank you's will go on back and forth forever." minho laughed this time and replied with a 'sounds fair.' "but what was the other thing?"

"oh, yeah. does hyunsuk have a speech impediment?"

jisung's smile faltered. "yeah, he's had it since forever. trouble pronouncing 't's and 'd's as well as stuttering. he's really shy because of it, he doesn't talk much to people he doesn't know well if you couldn't already tell."

"yeah, that's why i was asking. i heard him talking to soomin earlier too and just wanted to confirm. is he going to therapy then?"

"no, it's too expensive. seungmin and hyunjin hope to get him in eventually but not right now. especially with getting ready for a second child." jisung sighed and minho bit his inner cheek.

"if you're suggesting to help them pay then i don't think so. that's not really something you just accept, and they don't even know you that well." minho huffed at jisung's words, filling the cheek he bit with air as he turned into the han's apartment complex parking lot.

"but there must be some way to help them out, right?"

jisung smiled sadly. "if there was i would have already done it, life's not easy with a child and some things you just have to deal with."

"love, i know you don't like it when i offer but i really want to help out with you and soomin. i'd rip the stars out of the sky just to add light to your lives. and i don't want those words to just be words so please let me in. i want to be fully open with you."

jisung groaned, gripping his hair and mumbling a 'too cheesy' before answering. "i'm still considering."

"hey, wait. you basically said the same thing to me. what do you mean cheesy?"

❥ 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕝𝕖𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝟘𝟡/𝟘𝟚/𝟚𝟙

im chem rn so no thoughts head empty only ionization energy and boss bitch by doja cat loo,, thank you for #1 in changlix bon bons muah love you go check out my one shot book cause yes we love self promo >:DD

thank you for reading,, have a nice day,, stay safe and strEam🤠

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