Chapter 18: Finally some good news!

Start from the beginning

                "THAT WAS FUN LETS DO IT AGAIN!!!!!" I heard Mackenzie yell at the top of her lungs, her ears still adjusting from her first concert without headphones.  I laughed grabbing her from Harry. "Tomorrow Night munchkin." I said taking out my in-ears. "WHAT!?!!?" She yelled. "DADDY WHY DO YOU SOUND LIKE A CHIPMUNK!?!?!?!?! WHY DO I SOUND LIKE A CHIPMUNK!?!?!?!?" She asked concern on her face. "It will go away in a bit Kenz. Your ears need to readjust." I laughed. She gave me a pouty face. "It's not funny!" She stated crossing her arms. "I'm sorry i'll stop." I said trying to hold in my laugh. We went to the bus and I put Kenz in a bunk to fall asleep after changing her into pj's. We were staying here so we didn't have to deal with the hotel stuff. I went and sat with the rest of the guys in the living room where we talked about the randomest of things. 


"I think hospitals are overrated." I said as we walked into our new room. "It's your third treatment Lou. I think you are becoming a pro at this. Who knows maybe you'll be a doctor after One Direction." Liam chuckled. "Haha" I said sarcastically. Mackenzie hopped on the first bed with her blanket close to her chest. I set our bags down and got in the second one. 

"Good morning guys I am Doctor. Richards and I will be your oncologist. Who is going first?" He asked getting the equipment out to set us up to chemo. "I'll go." I said taking off my shirt and lying down. I was feeling more confident about being shirtless considering the nutrition I have every day started to even my body out again. He rubbed my port with alcohol and poked the needle into my skin. He than put the dressing over it and set up my stuff for the G-tube considering it was almost noon. I just left my shirt off. There really was no point on trying to get it back on right now when it was only the guys and Mackenzie here. Dr. Richards went to Mackenzie and set up her treatment. "Okay Someone will come to get you for scans in a bit." He said before leaving the room. I closed my eyes but soon was awakened by the side of my bed sinking. I opened them to see Mackenzie truing to climb up on the bed. Niall helped her up and she cuddled into my chest listening to my heartbeat. "I got lonely." She said tracing my tattoo. "It's alright I was too." I said rubbing circles into her back. I am really gonna miss this girl when she goes to school. 

"We are ready for you guys." A nurse came in saying. I helped Kenz out of bed then put on my zipper jacket. "We are going to go get food from the place down the street. Do you all want anything?" Liam asked before we went out. "I want Macaroni!" Mackenzie said. "Just get me whatever I'm not very hungry." I said. He nodded and all the guys went to the elevator. Mackenzie and I were both pushing our own poles down the hall to the scan room. 

"Please drink all of this. I will be back in a bit." She said before going to the other side of the wall to get the machine ready. "Same deal as last time?" I asked with a smirk on my face. "Oh it's on!" We both didn't even wait for a countdown and just started chugging all of the nasty liquid down. Just before I took my last sip I heard her slam her plastic cup on the table. "Haha I win!!! We are watching The Little Mermaid when we get back!!!!"  I sighed. "Fine. I guess you did actually win this time." 

The nurse came back with a shocked face. "Did you both really finish those that fast. They usually take other patients 10 minuets to get them down." Mackenzie laughed. "We have a bet whoever wins first gets to pick the movie. I won! We are watching The Little Mermaid!" She said jumping up and down. "Oh sounds fun." she chuckled. "Okay who is going first?" She asked. Mackenzie looked at me. "I guess that my cue." I chuckled. I followed her around the side of the wall and sat on the bed. I took off my jacket and laid down. "Okay lift your arms bent over your head and don't move." I did has she told me too and the machine started moving. After a little while I got moved out of the donut thing and the nurse gave me the okay to move. Mackenzie came over and did the same. 

When we were done we walked into our room to see the guys were already back. They had already put Mackenzie's Mac n cheese and water on her table in front of her bed and they had a sandwich and water in front of mine. After helping Kenz up to her bed I went over to mine and got comfortable. "Thank you guys. The food here really stinks." I said. I took a bite of my sandwich but in all honesty I was not very hungry at all.  

"How did it go?" Liam asked. "I won we are watching The Little Mermaid!" Mackenzie said jumping up and down on her bed. "Come on Lou I was rooting or ya we have World War Z!" Niall said disappointed. "Sorry" I shrugged laughing. "Harry put The Little Mermaid in the DVD player and Mackenzie's eyes were glued on the screen. 


                The nurse was getting my backpack ready to go to the concert while I was putting on my shoes. Dr. Richard, who was going with us, came in in his normal clothes. "I looked over the scans and I have the results." He said smiling. "And?" I said just wanting to know already. "And I found that Mackenzie is now officially cancer free. There is not one bit of cancer in her body." He said. "REALLY!!! I'M NOT SICK ANYMORE!!!!" Mackenzie said jumping up and down. I scooped her up and gave her a big kiss on the top of her head. "Congradulations Kenz! You fought and you won!" I said. She had the biggest grin on her face. "So can she get discharged?" I asked. "Yes we just need your signature and Nurse Jill here will disconnect her." He said. "I'll be right back Kenz." I said setting her down on the bed. She nodded as Jill started putting alcohol on her port. 

                I tossed my backpack over my shoulder and followed Dr. Richard down the hall towards the nurses station. "II guess it's going to be weird not having her around here hugh?" he said as I signed my name on the discharge paper. "Yeah a little. I'm just glad she became NEC before school started. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I had to leave her here and she still had cancer." I said. We walked back to the room where Mackenzie was already to go. I grabbed my mask and slid it around my ears. "Lets get you out of here!" I said picking her up. And with that we went out to the car and to the concert.

They seriously weren't kidding when they said I was going to get there right when the concert started. I kissed Mackenzie goodbye and gave her over to Lou. Paul said he would make sure she got to the hotel with the guys. I went up behind the guys and tried to catch my breath. Running + cancer in the lungs = no Bueno. "Hey Lou nice of you to finally show up" Harry said jokingly. "Haha.... So funny.....when do we go?" I said in-between breaths. Just like that the intro song started playing. I got handed my in- ears and mic and took off my mask. Here we go. 


                It seemed like the concert went by so fast. Well at least the half I was doing was. It was now my speech then Strong then I had to leave. 

                "Hello Austrailia!!! You have been amazing to us today!!!!! Well I have to leave after this song but before I go I need to tell everybody about a very special little girl. Yesterday we both had scans to tell how our cancer was doing and today I was told that Mackenzie is now Cancer free!!!! This one is for you Kenz. This is Strong."


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