Today I'm Gonna Talk About Chin Hairs

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Discussion topic: Plucking Chin Hairs


Ever heard of the 3 little pigs?

Does this saying sound familliar? :

'Not by the hairs on my chinny chin chin'.

Well. Today I wanna talk to you about chin hairs. Yup, you heard me chin hairs fool.

My older balder (jk shes not bald) sister has extremely curly chin hair which she wants her poor younger sisters to pluck.

Why not just go to a salon you ask ... Cause it saves money and those Asian ladies rip them off.

My sister wants them and by them I mean her chin hairs to be attended tenderly.

Yah. Weird.

So she asked me to pull a patch off her neck right? Lucky me she doesn't like when I do it because she claims that I don't get the whole hair like I might chop off half of the hair or something like that..

So she asked my younger sister who is quote on quote skilled in that area.

So yeah I just wanted to share that.. Oh! And did you guys hear about the toothless man? No? Ok we'll I'm here to tell you.

There once was a toothless man.

He didn't always use to be so toothless.

One day his friend dared him to not brush his teeth for a month.

The toothless man eagerly accepted the challenge for he did not like to brush his teeth.

And now he had a reason not to.

He got used to not brushing his teeth that he didn't even recognize his toothbrush anymore.

He thought to himself "hey, this life is great".

His breath stunk so bad that every time he opened up his lips to say something, his eyes would burn and all his facial hair would flutter to the floor.

So, the toothless man decided to never talk again.

The message here people is to brush yo teef! :)


Unedited . Copyrighted. All Rights Reserved.


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