Christmas 2012- I wanna talk about Egg Nog :)

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Ok, so its nearing christmas, and the end of the year 2012. I just wanted to say, don't drink too much eggnog. I repeat. Don't drink too much eggnog. Its not good for you. 

Your body can only handle but so much. Don't do this to yourself. You see, cause what happens is....

1.) You get drunk, and explode by pouring gasoline all over your self,  then starting a fire :) .. or

2.) You get a tummy ache .. or 

3.) You end up in the hospital...

Situation number one: 

Lalalalala *drinks egg nog* 

-Two minutes later-

*drives to gas station extremely slow while other cars honk at you as they pass*

*reaches gas station*

*buys gass*

*lights fire*

-Poof- !!

Situation numbah 2:

*chuggs egg nog*

*egg nog spills*

*looks down at egg nog on the dirty floor* 

*thinks a little*


*gets on knees*

*licks upp dirty egg nog*

-Twenty minutes laterrrr-

Ack! Tummy ache :(

Situation numberr tree:::::::

You decide: Hey, I want me some egg nog.

*gets in car* 

*drives extremely slow to the grocery store*

*arrives at store*

*walks to egg nog shelf* 

*sees one last egg nog and a fat little boy reaching for it*

*you scream NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO' and run to him in slow motion* 

*he streaches for it*

*you run in slow motion then tackels him in fast motion*

*he punches you in your throat and you faint, the ambulance comes* 

*you wake up in the hospital*


*runs out of the door with all of the machienes hooked up to you*

*you fall down 10 flights of steps and die*


So, you see people, this is what egg nog will do to ya. And the saddest part is, you didn't even get to drink the egg nog.

*tsk tsk*

Cuz i have it mwah haha! 

*drinks egg nog* 

*dosent feel too well*



A/N: Ok, so you have fairly been warned. I'm not so mentally stable lol. I'll be posting more funnier stuff soon. really soon, well, bye bye. Oh, and you have a nice house. I like what you've done with the place *smiles like the Grinch*

If you're wondering why I keep making these referances to Christmas, well guess what myy pshycotic jelly beans?? ITS ALMOST CHRISTMAS! AND IM DOING A COUNT DOWN Whooop!!! =)

Im high off of candy. Yes, yes it is very much possible

Cya ma peeps

-Victoria xx

Silly MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora