Welcome to America!

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"Is he here yet?" you asked your mom for the 10th time. "Honey, how do you expect me to know when he will be here?" she asked. You sat down with a sigh. Then you heard the doorbell ring. excited, you ran to it and opened it. But, it wasn't him. "Oh... It's just a package." You picked it up and put it on the table nearby. "Is it my manicure kit?" she asked. "Yeah, it is" and you sat back down.

Meanwhile, Katsuki was on a plane on his way to America. the plane was delayed by a day but he will be able to make it, just not at the time he wanted to be there. He was riding in coach and god did he hate it. He didn't want to deal with the fact that he was in the middle of the plane, meaning that he couldn't get out of his seat without having to ask for permission to get passed them so that he could get to the bathroom, or to tell the flight attendants what he would like to eat without having to stick his head out while holding his hand just to tell her his order. What's worse is that the people next to him know what he was ordering.

and then he had to deal with them watching what he was watching. It annoyed him so much, he had to hold back from exploding the plane. He wanted to get to America but he had to deal with this.


Bakugou: Hey so what was your address again?

it was (Insert address here but don't comment it): (Y/N)

Bakugou: ok, thanks. I'll be there in just a bit.


You knew exactly what this meant.

You jumped up and down screaming, "He's coming!" over and over again. "Shut up!" shouted your older brother. You quite down, But still jumped and whisper shouted.


Katsuki walked up to your front door and before he could knock on it, You opened it and hugged. "how did you know I was here?" he asked. "I saw you through the window" "Were you waiting for me while looking out the window?" You looked away. "no... Ok, so what if I did. Anyways! Welcome to America!" You said, enthusiastically. He looked at you weirdly. You invited him in and had his father stare at him as he made his way to the couch. Ok, maybe the father staring to boyfriend was unplanned. 

When you left to go serve him so Juice, he talked with you. "Hey, so he's from Japan right?" You nodded. "Okay... why do I have this strange feeling?" "You don't think he's only doing this for a green card?" "Dad come on. He's a high schooler." "What if he breaks your heart? He looks like a heartbreaker to me." "Dad I can assure you he's not a heartbreaker. He is way too possessive of me." "Then maybe he will become so possessive that he won't even let you have dinner with your family? And whenever you want to end it with him, he tries to prevent you." "ok, dad. now you're taking this too far." He looked at Katsuki through the kitchen entrance with a death stare.

Katsuki decided to show his teeth and intimidate your dad. Right after though, he realized that he had made a big mistake, he didn't let himself show it. Your dad was furious. "How disrespectful!" He shouted. "Dad, chill. You were the one that decided to intimidate him. He is not afraid of some fight" He sighed.

Your mom then came downstairs and hugged him till he couldn't breathe. When she finally let go, He tried his best to get some oxygen back in his system. Unlike your dad, she smiled and welcomed him with open arms. He felt quite uncomfortable. He wasn't used to this sort of motherly love. He didn't know how to feel. "Want some snacks?" he shook his head. she smiled and left.

She walked towards your dad with a smile on her face and was so excited. "Nothing good can come from this." "Oh don't be such a downer. I just can't wait until they get married and I can get grandbabies!" You, Katsuki, and your dad all shouted, "WHAT?" "Oh don't be shy (Y/N)".

You looked at Katsuki, "Wanna go get something to eat?" "Yeah let's go" and the two of you left for food.

When you asked him what he wanted, he said that he had already eaten in Japan. "Then what can we possibly get?" you asked, frustrated. "Can we just get some corndogs and call it a day?" "Yeah". When you two got there, people kept staring at him, They didn't bother seeing you at all. They were more interested in him. They've never seen anyone like him. His hair was so big and poofy and his crimson eyes looked so intimidating. You two got what you came for and then left.

"Hey, aren't we supposed to sit down somewhere to eat?" "No. Nobody will judge you here." "Arent, they gonna stare at us in disapproval?" "No... People do this thing all the time." He looked at his food hesitantly. "Just eat it, it's completely normal." He finally took a bite. "How brutal are things over there in Japan?" "You'll see when I take you there." "Huh. Ok now I'm not sure about visiting Japan"

When the two of you came back home, Your mom was so relieved. "Oh, thank goodness you guys are safe." "Why what happened?" you asked. "There was a villain attack at the mall you two were at." "Oh. Well, we weren't there when it happened." she smiled knowing that you and your boyfriend were safe. "It's getting late, Katsuki, do you have any place in mind for you to stay while you're here?" "No actually. I was hoping you two knew some good hotels."

"Well, why don't you stay here? I'm sure (Y/N) is willing to share a bedroom with you." "h-huh?" your father looked at your mom with an enraged face. I Just hope that Katsuki will make it past the night.

Part 2? (plz vote 🥺)

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