Arthit who was all ready to unleash his inner vamp on Kongpob for ignoring his call and messages, gaps at his personal assistant who is only wearing a dark ocean blue tee and a hot fitting white boxer shorts which are leaving very little for imagination.
His eyes roams over Kongpob from head to toe, taking in the apple hair, round dorky glasses, the plump lips spread over the thin transparent plastic sucking on the cola.

"Sir, do you need something??", Kongpob's question jolts him to present, making Arthit conscious of his ogling...stop behaving like a creep for fuck's sake...

The actor mentally scolded himself and pushes Kongpob to the side, stepping inside the hotel room, which is identical to him albeit short in size and less of a master bath.

"Why were you not picking up my calls, Mr. Suthilak??", Arthit barks, eyeing the neatly organised room and flops down on the sofa.

Kongpob sighs at the rude behaviour of later but remains silent and closes the door before maneuvering his way inside, standing before his employer.

"Oh! You called? Really?? My cellphone didn't ringed. May be it's on silent, that's heart felt apologies Sir", Kongpob pretends, bowing his head for emphasis.

Arthit rolled his eyes at the excuse and tapped a few times on his phone screen. Soon the room filled with a soothing flute tune.

...Ahh shittt!!!!...Kongpob cursed inside his head before lifting his head a little and meets the actor smirking at him.

"You were saying??", Arthit arched his left eyebrow in question. One corner of his mouth tugged up, mocking the younger.

"umm..actually the thing is phone is acting funny for last few days.. yes! that's it. It didn't ringed earlier", Kongpob stammered, making his boss scoff.

"Whatever. Change into something decent. I have a party to attend in Busan", Arthit instructed, waving his hands in air.

The assistant flushes red as the awareness of how he is standing in a tee and boxer shorts before his boss hits him. A beautiful rosy hue spreads across his cheeks. He awkwardly pats at his clothes, pulling at the hem of his white shorts when his brain finally decided to come around the words the actor had uttered earlier.

"What? Out?? Like right now??", Kongpob exclaims earning a hard glare from the actor who sneered at him," Yes. Right Now. Why?? You have any problem with it??"

Like I can do anything about it if I have one..geez!!!...Kongpob muttered under his breath.

"Did you said anything??", Arthit's grave voice throws Kongpob in alert mode. He pulls his lips in a fake grin, shakes his head left and right emphasising the No and answered in a sugary sweet voice," Nothing Sir. Give me few minutes. I'll come back"

Arthit who is a bit shocked at the later's reply, keeps on looking at the back of his PA, his face distorting into a wry smile as he mumbled to no one," why is he acting cute all of a sudden???"

Kongpob looks over his shoulder and glared at the side profile of his boss..I so wanna kill him....His expression instantly flees from annoyed to happy as he batted his eye lashes at Arthit who has just glanced up in his way. He gestures towards the bathroom and power walked not looking back even once.

...hah! He surely is being wierd..Arthit sighs before going back to his game.


..I so wanna kill him. Can I kill him once?? plz plz plz God!! Just once! Then if you want you can revive him again but let me kill my jerk of a boss....Kongpob fumed, eyeing the pair dancing on the floor. The evil couple of the year - Nam Warshona and Arthit Rojanapat. Both of them are glued to each other, with their bodies plastered, not leaving an inch of space. They are doing everything except dancing.

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