" Bakugou's sudden shift of mood seemed to affect everyone. When he was happy the class was happy. Even random quizzes couldn't crush the happiness that he brought.

    One day Midoriya came to the school out of nowhere again and that's when I noticed one link of the mood change. He walked into the classroom with Nezu and three student rushed to him.

    He had brought four gifts. There was no holiday soon. As far as I know it wasn't anyone's birthday. I had marked each birthday on a calendar. Now I know they are villains birthdays but that doesn't matter. In the two years they happened I knew the students would push past their limits because Bakugou would.

    Basically what I'm saying is you guys helped motivate my class to become the best they could be without even knowing it. You helped build a generation of amazing heroes just by existing. For that very reason I don't think I can turn you in."

    " If all of that is true then I think I can get all of them pardoned." Everyone in the room froze. A rat bear dog creature thingy walked into the room with the Chief of police. " Someone had called the police on young Midoriya here and we heard what you just said. If they really did help out young heroes become who they did then I see no reason to have them arrested. Do you?" The chief of police shook his dog head.

    " Thanks for asking questions crusty." Dabi got smacked by a disembodied hand.

    " And you said the league no longer exists right Bakugou?" Aizawa asked. Bakugou nodded.

    " They split up shortly after we saved Eri."

    " Then we've been chasing a ghost. If the league doesn't exist then that means that the price on the league is removed."

    " What about me?"

    " You were manipulated by the league. Remember?" The mouse bear piped up.

    " Oh yeah."

    " And you guys just felt sorry for him and protected that information." The four nodded. " Then we are done here. Have a nice day.

    " Did that just happen? Why does it matter? We're free you idiot."

    " We could always test?"  Toga suggested.

    " We're have to give it time before we test you idiot." Dabi said. " Did he just get in a sleeping bag and die?"

    " No he's sleeping. It's his specialty." Midoriya answered. His friends are finally free.


    " After some careful consideration after talking to each and everyone of them we have determined that none of them are a threat any longer. No hero is to attack them when they come out of the building. You may now carry on."

    A few minutes after he finished his speech the people in question walked out of the building. They were talking with each other and laughing. Even Bakugou was laughing with them which weirded out everyone. Didn't they kidnap him?

    " And then he just backflipped onto my shoulders. Show them kid." Izuku did a standing backflip onto Dabi's shoulders. The villains, or not villains, clapped. So did the four new heroes. Soon everyone joined the clapping, slowly.

    " Oh shoot. I didn't know we were outside." Izuku said.

    " Well we aren't being fought so I guess that means we are free." Toga said.

    " Let's celebrate. I think we have something left over from Dabi's birthday party. You guys coming? I think we have the good stuff."

    " Of course we're coming we have to celebrate our victory too." Bakugou said. He held out his arms and Izuku jumped down from his spot on Dabi's shoulders.

    " Then let's go." They walked through the sea of people that had parted. Shoto followed.

    " Shoto what do you think you're doing?" Endeavor asked.

    " I'm going to go celebrate with Touya." He said. Dabi had to keep from yelling at his brother for once again telling who he was.

    " Touya's dead. You know this."

    " Dead inside but I'm still alive pops.  Come on Sho." Endeavor stood there flabbergasted as his two sons, one who wasn't even supposed to be alive, left.

    " You never told me your son was hot."

    " Shut up Hawks."

    " I'd take him any night of the week."

    " I said shut up Hawks."

    " Ooh papa getting angry. Don't light up like a Christmas tree or you might hurt the kids." And Hawks became fried chicken that day.

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