Chapter 25

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East POV

"You good ma" I asked keira while I was driving home.

"How long was I gone" she asked playing with her finger.

"About 2 weeks" I told her as we pulled up in the driveway. I got out and went to help her into the house.

"East can I please sleep with you Ion wanna be alone" she asked going straight into the kitchen for snacks.

"Um yeah but we needa shower ma cause we smell like straight hospital." I told her cos if yk then yk.

"L-Like together?" She asked shyly looking down at the floor.

"You act like I never see your body before" I said waving her off.

"I know its just" she said taking a long pause after just.

"Its just what" I said looking at her annoyed.

"Um nothing let me go get my clothes from my room" she said walking off. I don't know what happened to her there buh I know nothing out of hand because my nigga ty was there watching over her.

I walked up to my master-bedroom bathroom and started running the shower. I got out off my dirty clothes that was covered in blood and hoped in the shower.

As I closed my eyes and let the water run down my face. I felt small arms snake around my V-line.

"How nice of you to finally join me" I said turning around to face her with a smirk on my face.

"You see what had happened wasss" she said giggling.

"Mmmhmm what had happened" I said laughing twisting my face up.

"So I was walking back up to your room when I had walked past the kitchen rightttt" she said waiting for me to answer her.

"Righttt" I said putting soap on the loofa.

"And the box of donuts on the counter was just staring at me. Ain't that crazy" she shaking her head smiling.

"So you telling me that your fat ass really sat down there and ate up all my shii" I said mugging her.

"Ayeeee im carrying your child so go easy on me" she said rubbing her belly with glaze all around her mouth.

"What happened right there" I said pointing to the bruise on her thigh. She said nothing looking at her feet.

"Aye girl I know you hear me talking to u" I said lifting her head so her eyes meet mines.

Keira POV

" I had bumped my leg on the end off my dresser" I lied. I just didn't want him to blame ty when ty did all he can for me.

"Well mamas you gotta be more careful with my seed" he said washing me up. Of course he only cared about the child and here I am thinking we can be something more.

"Hey Dave what are we?" I asked him as we rinsed off and got out. I wrapped the towel around my body waiting for an response.

"Umm humans" he said being smart causing me to roll my eyes.

"No like our relationship towards each other" I said avoid eye contact. I started to brush my teeth.

"Umm tf is you talking about there aint no relationship other than baby momma and baby daddy type shii" he said so rudely and blunt.

With that I just nodded my head and finished getting ready for bed trying to push my tears back. I threw on long t-shirt and my panties.

"Um well okay thanksgiving for the shower I think I'm fine enough to sleep in my bed tonight." I said dryly walking out the room.

"Girl lay yo ass down in that bed. Dont be mad cause you asking stupid questions and got a honest answer." He said and I just laid down not feeling like arguing tonight.

2 hours later

I had just gotten off my phone from scrolling through IG for an hour. I was slowly falling asleep til I felt east kissing on my neck.

"East moveee" I tried to say but it came out as a moan. He had a bitch on tsunami right now like lordd what you tryna do.

"You gone let daddy get some of that pussy" he said in his raspy sleepy voice. I know giving it to him will only hurt me more but Ian had none in a minute.

I nodded my head giving him my consent when an evil grin appeared on his face.

"Nawhh mamas I need you to use your big girl words. Open up your mouth and let me hear you say you want daddy" he said rubbing his hands on my clit through my panties teasing me.

Lord this nigga is a trip!!!

New chapter coming soon 🔜

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Just a lil something for now

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