65-Secret dating

Depuis le début

" Did anyone see you?" Ochako asked watching him take off his trench coat.

"Nope. We are all alone" Izuku smiled taking off his hat.

However unknown to him someone did see him slip into the room and they had caught just a glimpse of his green hair.

" That fucking Deku" Bakugo crushed the soda can in his hand.

He threw it on the ground and pressed his ear to the door to listen in.

"Please Deku?" Bakugo heard Ochako say on the other side

"I-i don't know if I can" He heard Izuku say kinda shy like.

"C'mon Deku! You can't keep it to yourself! I want a kiss! " Ochako whined.

" Well... Maybe just one" Izuku agreed.

' That fucking nerd has a girlfriend! No fucking way he gives up his first kiss before me! ' Bakugo thought pissed off.

He stepped back and kicked the door open.

"What the hells going on in here!?" Bakugo yelled.

Ochako and Izuku jumped on Ochako's bed in suprise.

Bakugo saw that Izuku was holding a bag of hershey kisses.

"K-kacchan!" Izuku was surprised.

"I would appreciate it if you could have at least knocked" Ochako didn't appreciate Bakugo opening the door like that.

"What the fucks going on here!? I heard you round face asking for a kiss from this nerd! " Bakugo pointed at her.

" Y-yeah a hershey kiss! " Izuku blushed at the thought of kissing Ochako.

" And Deku was being selfish and didn't want to share with me" Ochako pouted at him.

" Only because I only have like seven left! And I just agreed to give you one" Izuku reached into the bag and handed her a single Hershey kiss.

"Thank you. Now do you need anything else?" Ochako asked Bakugo unwrapping the candy.

"...No. " Bakugo left slamming the door shut.

" Jeez. So aggressive" Ochako ate the candy.

" So do you want to do what you actually meant by a kiss? " Izuku asked her.

" Of course" Ochako smiled.

She got up to lock the door. She then sat in Izuku's lap and wrapped herself around him and they began to make out passionately.

Part 3

"Where the hell are those two!?" Bakugo looked at the time on his phone.

" Who knows? Maybe they aren't coming" Kirishima suggested.

"I don't think so. Ochako texted me she would come earlier" Mina spoke up.

" Midoriya told me earlier as well" Iida was getting a bit worried.

"Oh well. I say we just start and they may turn up later" Kaminari said.

" I'll get the game in the closet" Momo got up from her spot in the couch and walked over to the closet.

"AH!" Momo yelled when she opened it up.

"What's wrong?" Mina and everyone else looked over to her.

They all saw that Izuku and Ochako were in the closet. Kissing. With tounge.

"Holy shit!" Kaminari was shocked.

"What are you doing you two!?" Iida came over.

It took a few seconds before Izuku and Ochako realized that they had been spotted. They stopped kissing and looked at the classmates.

"U-uh..... Checking for cavities?" Izuku made up a very obvious lie that nobody believed.

" You two have been dating this entire time?! "Mina said both shocked and happy.

" Y-y-y-yeah" Ochako admitted as they both got out.

"I KNEW YOU TWO WERE FUCKING KISSING!!!" Bakugo yelled pointing at the two.

" Well you kicked my door in so it's not like we would tell you the truth" Ochako puffed at him.

" The closest is a inappropriate place to do such a thing! " Iida scolded the two.

" Well... We were already on the couch and we heard people coming... So we panicked" Izuku scratched his head in embarrassment.

" We are your friends you know so how come you guys didn't tell us about this? " Momo questioned the couple.

" Because I thought some of you would go overboard with us dating" Ochako confessed.

" We would do no such thing! " Iida was disgusted at the thought of doing so.

" Huh? Oh yeah right." Mina looked up from her phone on instagram.

"I am happy for you though Midoriya. Finally became a real man" Kirishima gave him a pat on the back.

" Can't wait to see Mineta's reaction when he finds out she's taken" Kaminari chuckled at the thought.

" I'm still happy for you, and I can understand not wanting to tell. " Momo assured Ochako after bonking Mina on the head.

"Thanks guys. Now how about we play our game?" Ochako suggested.

" Yes! Everyone agreed.

And that's how the whole school and anyone else who follows Mina found out about Izuocha.

Izuocha one shotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant