⫷ 9 • Unexpected Circumstances ⫸

Start from the beginning

"Oh my! You shouldn't say such a thing to a fiance" a lady said but she was enjoying it. Fine! Now, it's my turn.

"Oh great! So how's your big brother doing?" His expression changed. "You two don't seem to have a good relation. Am I right?" His brows furrowed while I gave a sly grin.

"Since, we have done talking. I'll take my leave." I smiled. Before he starts further questioning, I put the empty glass on a waiter's tray and marched towards the spiral staircase. Sherlock was standing on his spot in shock.

Then my eyes met those scarlet ones. I recognized him right away. Almost mesmerizing that you can't waver from his look. He then glanced at Sherlock, seriousness filled his face.

Wait a minute! Don't tell me I missed the Sherliam moment.


Keep up the good act, Jane! I was internally crying.

William finally looked at me and smiled. Oh my god! He's looking handsomely divine. For a moment, I forgot all the commotion that happened earlier. Even though I've already seen this look in anime but watching it, in reality, hits different. Damn! I'm losing myself again.

I finally reached him.

"I thought brother Albert exaggerated when he described how beautiful you've become." He complimented me. A little blush appeared on my face and I felt embarrassed the next moment. He greeted me with a bow.

"William, is that really you? You sure know how to win hearts. Haha!" I tried to hide my embarrassment. "You too look handsome today." I said while greeting him back.

"We've finally met after those long years. I'm truly glad to see you."

"I'm also glad. Now the only person left is Louis. He was so adorable when he was a child."

"Yeah, I remembered how you kissed his cheek back then. I was extremely surprised." He chuckled. I, on the other hand, felt more embarrassed now that I remember that.

"Yeah, I remember." I shyly mumbled.

"YOU!!" Someone almost screamed.

I turned to see a wild sherlock glaring with curiosity. William too seemed displeased.

"What is it?" I asked. Don't get me involved with you, geez!

"How did you knew I have an older brother?"

I read about it in the manga is what I can't say.

"Since you don't look like someone with a specific occupation. Otherwise, you would have been in the social hall." Here! Your own explanation on you. That's something he said when William asked why do he think William's a mathematician.

"However, you frowned when I said older brother. By that, I concluded that you two must not have a good relationship. That's it! Am I cleared now?" I gave a cunning smile. That sounds just right to me so yeah! I said it.

"I see." William said putting his finger on his chin. "That was a nice explanation, Jane. I'm impressed." I just gave a nervous laugh to him.

"Oh, I see! You two know each other. That's even more interesting! " he started laughing.

"Thanks for that. If you don't mind can I leave? I was having some conversation with him." I turned to William.

"But I haven't finished ye-"

"Well then, good day, Sir!" I grabbed William's arms and dragged him along with me. I took him far enough to not be reached by Sherlock. We went outside the hall in an open area. We can see the wide sea clearly.

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