Theo looks confused making Louise smile "I have five month triplets at home. It's my first day back from having them." she explains. Theo nods "What are they called?" he asks as the group walk to class. "Arlo, Zachary and Alison, but we call them Zac and Ali." Louise tells him showing him a picture. "They're cute." he responds as they reach the AP biology class room. "Well you two have got is to our class. Now go to yours, we'll see you later." Louise tells Ethan and Jackson. They both chuckle and kiss Cal quickly before walking off. Theo looks at Cal "They're both your mates then?" he asks. "Yep." Cal smiles watching them walk away. Louise chuckles "Come on lover boy, stop checking them out from behind." she tells him. Cal goes slightly red making Theo and Louise chuckle. Cal walks in and sits at a desk with Theo; Louise sitting with Lydia at the front with Kira and Scott, who had just rushed in.

Ms Finch walks in and stands at the front of the class "Welcome to AP Biology. Let's see who's awake. Can somebody tell me what plasmids are?" she asks the class. "Circular, self-replicating DNA molecules often used in cloning proteins." Lydia responds making Cal smile. "Nicely stated, Lydia. Now, can you tell me what vitamin is absorbed in the stomach via parietal cell production of a glycoprotein?" Ms Finch asks making Lydia freeze. "B-12." Cal pipes up making everyone look at him in surprise. "Correct Mr Stilinski. Mr. McCall, did you know the answer?" Ms Finch asks Scott. "Um, no." Scott tells her. "It's a common test question. What's your number one college pick?" she asks. "Um..." Scott starts. "Stop saying, "Um."" Ms Filch tells him. "Sorry. UC Davis." Scott tells her. "Good choice. It's the best school on the West Coast for biological and physical sciences. You're in the right class if that's what you're hoping for. Who else thinks they're in the right class?" Ms Filch asks making Theo and Cal put up their hands making everyone copy. "Good. Then you should all be prepared for the test tomorrow. Don't be so disappointed. This test is specifically to help you determine whether you should actually be in AP Biology. You have two weeks to drop. Tomorrow's test will just weed out the ones who shouldn't be here. And that could be any of you." Ms Finch tells them.

At the end of class everyone packs up while Ms Finch walks over to Cal "Could you stay behind for a minute? I'll give you a note for your next class." she tells him. "Yeah. Don't worry about a note though, I have a study period next." Cal says making her nod. Once everyone has left Cal stands at her desk with her "I have to say Mr Stilinski, I'm impressed with your knowledge at such a young age. I have to ask though, why haven't you signed up for any College's?" Ms Filch asks him. "Me and a couple of friends are thinking of taking a gap year before College." Cal tells her making her nod. "Okay. What do you want to do after education?" she asks. "I want to become a doctor of some sort. A-a friend of mine died. They didn't know what was happening to him, I don't want to feel that helpless again when someone needs help." Cal explains. "Well in that case at least think about signing up to do online studies, it'll get you extra credit when you want to start college, or even enough to go to medical school." Ms Finch explains. Cal nods "I'll have a think about it." he responds. "Good, you can go now." she tells him.

Nodding with a smile Cal leaves the room to find Ethan, Jackson, Isaac and Louise leaning against the lockers opposite waiting. "What did Ms Finch want?" Louise asks as they start walking to his locker. "She just talked about college and how even if I don't go I should think about online courses for extra credit. It might help me get to medical school faster." Cal explains with a shrug. The other four stop and look at him "That means you could be one of the youngest medical doctors." Louise points out. "Yeah and I'll be able to help out people who need it, which is the main thing." Cal adds as he puts his stuff in his locker. "Cal, we can tell something's up. What is it?" Jackson asks. "I don't know, I just feel different. I can't explain it, it's like something has happened or is going to happen. I can't tell what though." he explains shutting his locker and leaning against the door of it. He bangs his head against his locker with a groan and shuts his eyes making the four friends in front look at each other worried. "It's probably nothing. Let's go." Cal says standing straight.

Later the pack sit in the library studying when Stiles rushes over "So you found something?" Cal asks without looking up from his laptop. "Another signature. This is Theo's dad's signature on a speeding ticket from eight years ago. And this is his dad's signature on a transfer form to Beacon Hills High School from just a few days ago." Stiles explains putting two pieces of paper of the desk. "How did you get his transfer form?" Isaac asks him. "You didn't break into the Administration Office?" Scott asks him. "No, I did not break into the Administration Office." Stiles tells them. Everyone looks at him "Okay, I might have broken into the Administration Office. Can we just focus on the signatures, please? They're different." Stiles tells everyone. "They're sort of different." Kira says. "They're completely different. Come on. Look. The garlands don't match, the undulations of the sinuous stroke are totally off. And look, look at this. Perfect example of the Criminal Tremor." Stiles explains. "So now, Theo is Theo, but his parents aren't his parents?" Jackson asks him. "Someone's not someone. And when I figure out who that someone really is, someone's in big trouble." Stiles responds.

"But no one's done anything wrong." Scott starts. "Yet. If Theo's parents are both psychotic killers then obviously, we should not trust him, right?" Stiles asks. "My parents are Peter and the Desert Wolf." Malia points out. "Okay... It's fine. You know what? I'll figure it out myself. Right? I don't need you or you or you."Stiles says pointing at them before walking off. "I don't need anyone." he shouts backing. "Calling it now, he's home to get Liam." Cal says still not looking up for, his laptop. Scott looks over at him "What are you doing?" he asks the younger teen. "Looking at what I need to sign up for medical school and how I can get the credit and grades." Cal responds reading something. Everyone looks at him "Really?" Kira asks as Lydia looks at the laptop. "He actually is." she tells them. Cal looks up "What?" he asks. "We knew you wanted to be either a doctor or an interior designer. We just hadn't realised you'd made up your mind." Scott explains. Cal shrugs "Interior design I can do anyway and I can use it as a back up. Besides I talked to your Mom last week, she said she can try and get me some sort of work experience. Even if it's just shadowing her." he explains.

That evening Cal sits on the floor playing with the triplets in their playroom when Louise walks in "Jackson and Ethan want you, they're in your room." she tells him. Cal nods and stands up walking to their shared bedroom. Walking in he notices Jackson and Ethan are both stood by the bed, Sky lying on his pillow. "Lou said you wanted me." he tells them as he sits down on the bed. "Yeah, are you okay? You haven't been yourself recently and we're starting to get worried." Jackson starts. Cal shrugs "I guess I'm okay. I've just been tired recently that's all." he mumbles. Ethan and Jackson sit either side of him. "It's more than that Cal, you can tell us." Ethan tells him. Once again Cal shrugs before bursting into tears, Jackson wraps his arms round him looking at Ethan. "How about we just lie in bed and watch a film? We'll talk tomorrow." Ethan suggests. Cal shrugs again and carries on crying into Jackson's chest.

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