Chapter 42- A New Hope

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Leia sat in the kitchen area of her old family home, sipping at her warm beverage, reading a communication from Senator D'Acy. Things within the Senate were progressing far more smoothly than anyone had expected. D'Acy had been a natural to replace Leia in the Senate; years of studying under her, experienced and calm. D'Acy understood difficult decisions but, more importantly, had never desired to move above her rank in the Resistance. As Leia's constant companion, D'Acy knew how to lead, and Poe needed someone like her, now Holdo was gone, to keep his impulses in check. Poe Dameron was the Leader of the Resistance, but he still had to learn politics to navigate politics.

Leia placed the communication aside and gave a contented sigh. She was looking at the warm glow of their living space. It had been a long time since they'd had such private rooms and comforts- the fireplace, dining table, and comfortable chairs. It felt good to be home, with her family and with the Galaxy in safe hands. She kept informed of the political goings-on and strictly gave advice when asked. Too much of Leia's life had been wasted dealing with the Galaxy's problems, allowing her husband, marriage and son to come second. So much regret, but there was no point in wishing you could change the past. She could enjoy what time was left to her and be grateful. She sipped her drink and walked towards one of the arched windows to peer out at the silver sea. They'd been happy here when Ben was born, and since their return, they were happy again, though it was a little strange living with adults who were your children. They'd had many an enjoyable evening sitting and playing a game, though her son shared her competitiveness, causing minor moments of tension. Still, lounging by the fire sharing fonder memories and stories had been wonderful, watching Rey's face light up at each one and Ben's dismay at hearing another repeat of history or a childhood embarrassment.

"Morning, sweetheart," Han strolled in, acquiring himself a warm drink and joining her at the window, grazing her cheek with a gentle kiss as they gazed out together.

"I thought we might go away in the Falcon for a while," Leia said.

Han looked down at her, surprised. The last time they had done that, they'd nearly killed each other initially, but then it had turned into the happiest of times, exploring new worlds together, just the two of them in his beloved ship. There were a few arguments regarding when Ben had actually been conceived; Leia believed it was on the forest moon of Endor, but Han believed it was during that oh-so-memorable trip.

"Yeah? You remember what happened last time?" he said, winking at her. She smiled at him wickedly, she remembered fondly. "After three months cooped up alone in the Falcon, we nearly killed each other," he reminded her.

She nodded with a laugh, "But it was such fun," she leaned in close to him, her husband, "Let's go for longer this time."

Han leaned down and kissed her, his wife. She was going to drive him crazy, and he couldn't wait.


Ben stood in his old room looking at the books, the space upon his desk where his calligraphy set had been. Few of his childhood keepsakes remained. Those he'd cherished as a boy he'd taken with him to Ahch-To, and there they'd burned with the temple. Snoke's doing, he understood now, never his. Ben took a deep, resigned breath. So much of his current happiness was interlaced with dark and bitter memories; knowing the truth didn't change his memories. Ben headed to the room where he and Rey had stayed while the Senate was formed. He stood in the doorway, watching her pack. Their time on Chandrila had been a mixture of tension and bliss; teaching Rey to swim in the silvery sea was a memory he would cherish, but watching the politicians argue at the table for hours made his blood boil. To think he'd once wanted to rule the Galaxy. Ben had neither the temperament nor the patience to rule or for diplomacy. Still, he imagined any governing he would have done would have been a ruthless dictatorship, with no need for others and listening to them in such a situation.

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