Chapter 23- Plan of Action

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Rey was within the woods of D'Qar, brandishing the lightsaber as she had every day since Master Luke had given it to her. Something had changed since she'd started. She'd done as he'd instructed, feeling the Force around her, and she let it in, allowing it to flow through her strong limbs, making her move faster and jump higher. She could feel instinctively the different strengths required for the weapon to move through the molecules of air or through the dead branch of a tree. Maybe she imagined it, maybe it wasn't the Force, but she felt different, more aware. Her senses seemed heightened; the tips of her fingers more sensitive, her hearing astute. Rey was running through the woods, challenging her newly elevated awareness, testing whether it was real or imaginary. She did not know where she was going, but that was what made it exciting. Could she overcome unseen obstacles if she allowed herself to be one with the Force, to be its conduit? Faster and faster, she ran. Ahead, she sensed a chasm, and suddenly, it was upon her. She didn't hesitate. She trusted in the Force, letting go as she launched her body across with faith and trust. The drop into the gorge below her was deep, and within the Force, Rey could see the dark, hidden canyon far below. Rey did not fear failure or the possibility of falling as she vaulted over the chasm, landing easily on the other side in a forward flip. She stopped and smiled, allowing her breathing to slow, but found it did not take as long as it might usually take. She felt free and looked up at the blue sky diffused with white clouds and the lush green treetops, enjoying this moment of revelation amid the chaos that had been the last few days. Rey breathed in deeply as Luke and Ben had shown her reaching out with her feelings. She became aware of the sounds of the animals and insects buzzing and the sigh of the wind through the trees. Suddenly, everything went silent.


Her eyes opened wide in shock, and there before her, sitting cross-legged, looking up at her, was Ben. A long, angry, red laceration ran up his face and disappeared beneath the top he wore. He looked pale, his pallor sickly.

"Ben," she gasped. She reached him in two quick strides and sat across from him on the forest floor. Relief flooded through her at seeing him despite his injured state. For years, he'd been absent from her life after being her one source of comfort and joy. When he'd returned to her, it had been as the monster from her nightmares, and he'd been worse than that terrifying creature- cold, distant, detached and dispassionate. That one conceited moment when he'd penetrated her mind had changed everything. Now she had him back in her life she felt strange without him at her side, like a part of her was missing. As Rey began to know Ben again, that feeling had grown, a longing in her chest that had been pulling at her consciousness the moment he'd stepped away from Paasana.

"You're injured. What happened? Where are you? Are you OK?" she asked, taking his hand in hers. His hand in hers felt cool, a layer of cool moisture clinging to it, which concerned her further. He ignored all of the questions. His determined gaze held hers as he said what he'd connected with her to impart.

"Tell Leia to leave D'Qar now! Snoke is coming for me, and I won't be able to stop him from taking what he wants from my mind. I'm too weak. He'll find the Resistance base, Luke, all of it. You have to go."

She shook her head at him, "They intend to destroy Starkiller Base. Is that where you are?"

Ben nodded at her, "Yes, but tell Leia she must move the Resistance's main base of operations as soon as possible. This base can destroy any planet from anywhere. Snoke won't need time."

"I will. We'll come for you, both of you," Rey tried to look around for Han, but only the trees of D'Qar met her gaze.

His eyes softened now, and he shook his head lightly, "You can't. They want you, Rey. You mustn't come. Stay with the Resistance, my mother, it's safer," Ben pleaded.

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