Chapter 16- Reunions

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Kylo awoke with a start; sleep came rarely, and when it did, he often awoke with a jolt from some nightmare or vision. This occasion was different; his sleep had been peaceful, and he was not greeted by the stark and bleak surroundings of his quarters on the Finalizer or Star Killer base. A warm sun was shining brightly upon his face, making him squint, and he had to hold his hand up to protect his eyes from its bright glare. He could tell from its position in the sky that it had risen hours ago. Kylo inwardly cursed anything could've happened as he slept. Rey could've fled and abandoned him; she could've killed him as Luke had once tried to do in such a weakened state.


He shot to his feet, his muscles moaning at having been asleep on the ground, leaning against a hard wall and suddenly having to wake and work. The fire was nothing but blackened embers, and his cloak was folded neatly beside it, along with Rey's boots and protective wraps. Kylo turned towards the sea, and the apprehension in his chest receded; she was standing up to her waist in the silvery water. She hadn't deserted him or attempted to kill him. She'd stayed and let him sleep, not waking him, and now she was swimming! He walked forward to the edge of the water and watched her silently, intrigued and puzzled by her actions as she lowered herself until her shoulders were under the water. Rey took a breath and submerged herself fully, allowing the water over her head. He felt slightly disconcerted when she didn't re-emerge immediately, but he sensed nothing in the Force to feed his misgiving, and eventually, she rose out of the water, spluttering slightly overwhelmed by the cold sensation, her hair a flowing curtain across her shoulder. Rey turned to see him, and Kylo saw an anxious look on her face as she stood. He sensed her concern was not that he was watching her but about her apparel or lack thereof.

"I used to swim here as a kid," he commented, trying to ease the awkwardness.

"I've never been in the water before like this," she said with a shy smile. Kylo knew. He knew everything about her dull, dry and dusty life. He knew every time their connection had sparked as she tried to speak to him, and he'd ignored her. He knew she'd seen him, masked and terrifying, as he fell further and further down the dark hole.

"I know, but we need to go. It's already later than I would've liked," he replied.

She began wading back towards the shore, and Kylo, sensing her continued discomfort, retrieved his cloak and handed it to her before heading to the brick hut for the speeder bike. The old family home was only accessible from the water or air, solitary and peaceful, away from the demands of his parents' careers in Hanna City. The speeder was mercifully in good working order, just a little neglected from misuse. He mounted the speeder, flicked some switches, exited the hut, and hung over the shallow water. Rey was now stood and dressed on the shore, his cloak upon her shoulders. He outstretched his hand to her and beckoned. Holding her boots, she waded through the shallows and gracefully mounted behind him without taking his hand. He recalled his offered hand and waited. She got her boots on, and when he thought she was ready, he said, "Hold on," before propelling the speeder forward across the tide.

They sped quickly across the tranquil water to the hills on the other side where his childhood home sat. He could see it more clearly as they got closer: the arched windows, domed roof and turrets. On arrival, all the doors and windows were sealed shut, but the biometric sensors immediately allowed him access. All the protective window covers rose on entry, letting in the morning light. Shafts of dust dancing light lit the interior eerily. The house was like a ghost, the remnants of a love-filled life. Nothing had changed, but everything that had made it his family home was gone; there was no warmth, it was just a shell of the residence it had been.

"You grew up here?" Rey asked behind him.

"For a time," he replied as he wandered down a couple of corridors and stood looking in on their main living quarters. 

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