Chapter 17- For Her

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Rey had initially ignored Kylo when he stormed towards a landing freighter. Hearing raised voices, she'd sneaked across the slope to watch the heated exchange from the edge of the brick hut where the speeder was docked. Given Ben's temper and his abilities, both of which she'd witnessed first-hand, she was a little surprised that Ben hadn't used them on the man he argued with; he could have easily, but he hadn't. Ben's head motioned in her direction, and the new stranger peering around Ben's outline to look in her direction and point signalled it was time to stop hiding. She walked towards the pair, and as she paced closer, she thought he looked familiar. There was something about his features, his jacket. She looked from Ben, his form stiff with arms crossed, his ebony curls, his dark eyes and back to the older man who stood awaiting her arrival, hands on his hips. She searched the two men's long faces more closely, the outline of the nose, the full lips, the jaw, but there was more: their physical similarities, their height, their frame, their broad shoulders, and something about their posture and mannerisms. This tall, grey man in his worn flight jacket was Han Solo, Ben's father.  

She outstretched her hand to Han, feeling embarrassed and a little flustered, "I'm Rey."

He looked befuddled but gave her a warm lopsided smile and took her hand in his, "Han."

"I know," she answered, gushing slightly.

Han's lopsided smile faded, and he peered at her questioningly, "Rey?"

"Yeah," she replied, confused, trying to withdraw her hand. Han looked at her intensely, then turned back to his son, still gripping her hand.

"Rey? Imaginary friend Rey?" Han asked Ben.

Ben groaned and was visibly annoyed and flung his arm out towards her, "Clearly not, she's standing right there."

Han now released her hand and pointed at his son, frustrated, "You said she was your imaginary friend!"

"No," Ben shouted, looming over his father and pointing back in his face, "I said she was my friend. You and Mum assumed she was imaginary because you couldn't see her."

Rey felt awkward, as though trespassing on a private matter, as she watched the tense interchange. If only both men could see themselves as she currently did; they were so alike, not just physically but with their stubborn personalities and sarcasm. Their argument was almost amusing to watch. She bit her lower lip, trying not to laugh as they now both looked at her. She watched Ben take a deep breath and chew his mouth before he spoke again.

"I called Mother for her."

Han looked flummoxed. He screwed up his face, ran a hand through his hair, and then shrugged.

"Okay then. Come on," he waved his hand in the direction of this ship, and Rey happily fell in beside him while Ben retreated to retrieve his belongings from the First Order transport. Approaching the ship, Rey stopped. Its outline against the sky seemed very familiar.

"I know this ship. I helped a Resistance pilot, Commander Poe Dameron, steal it from Nima Outpost on Jakku. He got back to the Resistance?"

"He sure did, and I got my ship back," Han replied as they started up the ramp.

"Your ship?" Rey stopped again; connections were linking in her mind, and a conclusion was quickly realised: "This, this is the Millennium Falcon."

"Sure is," Han said proudly with a smile.

"This is the ship that made the Kessel run in fourteen parsecs?" Rey looked around in wonder.

"Twelve, twelve parsecs," Han responded in an annoyed tone, mumbling to himself about no one accurately remembering the Kessel run statistics.

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