Chapter 36- Battle for the Galaxy

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Aboard the Steadfast, Allegiant General Pryde looked on in dismay as a transport full of Resistance fighters entered one of the hangars. Pryde no longer seemed to be even listening to Hux's suggested orders; he was merely waiting for his leader to save them, his leader, not Hux's. General Hux turned to his trusted second shimmering in her chrome uniform. His look at her was all she required. Brandishing her blaster and staff, she exited. Once Phasma was gone, Hux gave the order to seal the bridge doors. Pryde continued to watch through the viewing portal while Hux watched the screens as the Resistance fighters exited their transport.

General Ematt exited the shuttle with Finn and his second-in-command, Sergeant Sharp.

"I make my way to the bridge. You set the charges in case negotiations should fail," Ematt commanded.

Sergeant Sharp nodded and headed to set the charges in the area Finn had instructed. General Ematt headed in the opposite direction with Finn carrying his blaster in hand; his riot control baton hung over his shoulder. The corridors were surprisingly quiet as they headed towards the bridge, filling both corridors and elevators with nervous, awkward silence. That was until Finn caught sight of a familiar image: the reflective silver armour and red flowing cape of his previous commander, Captain Phasma, with a squadron of troopers.

"Take cover," Finn hollered.

The corridor was quickly filled with blaster fire as Finn, Ematt, and the others hunkered behind a splintered corner of the corridor as blasts ricocheted off the walls.

"We need more cover or more firepower," Finn shouted across to Ematt. The old General smiled as he removed an explosive device from his belt and threw it at the shrouded troopers. The explosion detonated to yells and cries, and a cluster of armoured stormtroopers was flung into the air, and the blaster fire mercifully stopped. The Steadfast corridors were scorched, and panels lay shattered upon the floor along with the remaining troopers. Captain Phasma was the first to get to her feet; her helmet cracked, showing the piercing blue irises belonging to the face behind the mask. Finn approached her riot baton in hand.

"Go ahead, General; I'll deal with this."

"You sure, son?" Ematt asked as he looked at the towering chrome trooper.

"Yes, Sir," Finn replied, and General Ematt walked briskly on with the rest of the squad, leaving Finn with his former tormentor and trainer.

"You were nothing more than a bug in the system!"

"Let's go, Chrome Dome!" Finn yelled back, swinging his riot baton in his hand wildly and striking at her.

Finn felt fearless; he'd been top of her class training in hand-to-hand combat. Phasma whipped up her staff, spinning it at him, alternating between vicious jabs and slashes at his head, chest and legs. He parried them all, his baton buzzing and sparks flying as he attempted to look for an opening in her defences. There wasn't one; she was faster and stronger, and she was driving him backwards. He was attempting not to trip over the dead bodies of the fallen stormtroopers as she drove him back towards the doors. Suddenly, an opening presented itself as she towered above him, overly confident of victory. With all his might, he struck upward at her, a powerful uppercut that shattered what remained of her helmet. It fell away, revealing short blonde hair and two icy blue eyes, her pale skin dirty from ash and blood. The look she gave him was brutal, contemptuous, burning hatred, and he actually felt sorry for her.

"Surrender," he said, lowering his weapon.

She cocked her head at him, disbelieving that, given the moment to strike, he was choosing not to.

"You cannot really believe you'll get away with this? My surrender will not change the ultimate ending. You will lose and die."

"At least I'll die free."

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