Chapter 41- New Senate

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Covered in an abundance of lush forests and dotted with small lakes, the planet Takodanna was neutral and the perfect world for continuing negotiations until a more permanent location could be agreed upon. Maz Kanata, an ancient, feisty and diminutive humanoid had lived upon Takodana for centuries in a castle that sported her own effigy. Maz had lived longer than anyone, even Chewbacca; like him, she remembered well the reign of peace under the Old Republic and their Jedi Knights. Maz remembered the fall of that Republic, the rise of the Empire and every war that had raged since between the dark and the light, Empire and Rebellion, First Order and Resistance.

A memorial had been erected beside Maz's castle within sight of the beautiful forests and the lake's still waters. Carved from obsidian, two conjoined pieces the shape of a flame slotted together. The centre of each piece held a circle from which a sphere of water perpetually flowed. The stone flame sat upon an obsidian ring, and a moat surrounded it. Poe stepped towards the trench with a burning torch in his hand. He lowered the torch, and the moat ignited a glowing flame around the memorial.

"The war is finally over, and we have all lost people we loved

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"The war is finally over, and we have all lost people we loved. We now commemorate everyone who gave their lives for peace. They are gone, but they are not forgotten. Admiral Holdo, Snap Wexley," Poe said before he stepped back.

"Admiral Statura," Admiral Ackbar stated.

"Luke Skywalker," Leia said as Han squeezed her hand.

Poe turned back to the crowd, "May the Force be with them, always."

"Always!" the gathered crowd responded.

Leia stood with her husband watching the sphere of water and the flickering flames surrounding the structure. Fire and water opposing forces both beautiful and potentially dangerous but here in a perfect, unending balance. A fitting monument to the beginning of a new age.


General Dameron sat at a table within the castle, the usual rabble that frequented this safe haven nowhere to be seen. Around the table sat General Organa and her husband, General Solo, General Calrissian, General Ematt, Admiral Nunb and Admiral Ackbar, and the members of the First Order, General Hux, Captain Canady, Captain Peavey, as well as others Poe had not met on the Steadfast General Parnadee and General Engell. This alliance of high-ranking officers were the deciders of what would become the New Senate. Democracy would be reborn today, and apparently, it was born with tedious conversations and unending compromise. Peace would last under this new regime; it wouldn't be easy, but then real democracy wasn't. It was impassioned beliefs finding common ground.

General Poe Dameron felt reasonably optimistic about the Galaxy's future but not necessarily about his place in it. Under Leia's tutelage, he'd grown beyond the impetuous pilot into the Resistance's leader, but he was not a politician. Poe was grateful that, for the time being, at least General Organa was still available for advice. Poe was a soldier; maybe politics would come, but for now, their armies' leader was good enough for him, besides someone had to keep an eye on Hux, keep him in line. Poe wasn't entirely off the hook regarding formal matters, but at least he would stay military for now.

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