Chapter 26- Return to the Resistance

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The ground beneath their feet shook, trees fell, and growing fissures in the ground spat flame and fire into the snowy sky. The Falcon came into view mercifully, hovering above the ground, ready to vacate the planet, Chewbacca on the gangplank awaiting their second return. He howled as he spotted them, and it spurned Rey on as she leapt over a fallen tree and sprinted towards the freighter, Ben struggling to keep pace with her. He watched as Chewie leaned out and pulled Rey up onto the hatchway. A violent shake sent Ben sprawling ungainly into the snow. A fissure opened up beside him, and he scrambled up to his feet and sprinted forward as Chewie howled at him, bending low to help him. Painfully, Ben reached his arm up, and Chewie grasped him. Ben cried out in pain as the Wookie hauled him upwards. He sat for a moment in the entryway with Chewie tilting his furry head at him concerned before, with an effort, he got up and headed inside.

In the corridor of the Falcon, Rey stood catching her breath.

"Lando," Ben yelled, "let's get out of here!"

Chewie yipped at him, and he exchanged a difficult glance with Rey as another tear escaped her eyes and trailed down her face.
"He's dead," she whispered.

Ben was rather taken aback that she spoke Shyriiwook, but he didn't let that distract him.
"No," he said, turning to Chewie, then back to Rey. "No, Luke's not dead. He's just gone."

The pair gave him confused stares.
"I saw it, Snoke killed him," Rey exclaimed.

Ben shook his head, "No, Luke was gone before Snoke's saber even touched his robes. He became one with the Force willingly. Normally, it takes death, but Luke managed it. He'll be more powerful now; he can be anywhere, everywhere. We'll see him again." He looked to Rey, "I promise."

An awkward silence followed as they all contemplated Luke's decision or fate. Beneath his fingers, Ben could feel his shirt was wet; he needed to see to his wounds and check on his father. He exchanged silent glances with Rey and Chewie before moving off down the corridor towards the medical bay. FN-2187 immediately stood to attention at his arrival in his full armour, helmet and all, and Ben found himself smiling.

"Please don't," Ben said, raising a hand. "You can take that off," Ben continued, pointing at the troopers' general appearance, "you're no longer one of them, the First Order." The trooper removed his helmet to reveal the young man underneath. "What's your name?" Ben asked.

"FN-2187," the young man replied. "Only name they ever gave me."

Ben felt a surge of guilt in his chest. The they to which the young soldier who'd saved them was referring was Hux and the First Order, but Ben knew that also included him, his former self - Kylo Ren.

"They gave you?" Rey asked. Ben turned to see Rey had entered the medical area. This was one of the smallest areas on the Falcon, and there were now four people in it. He felt confined and uncomfortable.

"Child soldier," Ben murmured in response to her question, "taken by the First Order."

"FN, FN," Rey considered, "FN, oh Finn, how does Finn sound?" she asked excitedly. She stretched out her hand, "I'm Rey."

The young man, no longer a trooper, removed his gloves and, smiling, shook hers.


Ben watched the exchange with envy that these two strangers could so easily strike up a friendly conversation. He interrupted their conversation without a moment's regret.

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