Chapter 11- Search for Skywalker

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Leia needed her brother, but he had disappeared when Ben had. What terrible twists her life had taken since then. Han had been unable to reconcile being so useless or, more accurately, helpless and so had returned to what he'd always done: swindling and smuggling. She understood how he felt unable to help their son, unable to help her brother and his friend; it was enough to break your spirit and your heart. Leia had learnt long ago, however, to endure. Ben's fall had always been possible, not because of their blood but because of the dark forces hunting him out in the galaxy. For his sake, she could not give up on him, not ever. When the time was right, she would bring him back to the fold and save him.

However, Luke was another matter entirely right when it mattered most. She felt as though he'd abandoned her. Where was her brother? Finding him was now her mission. She could rely on no one else; her son was gone, Han was gone with Chewbacca, Lando was gone, Sella was gone, and the Republic was gone. Even before the ruthless First Order had destroyed the still-developing New Republic, she'd been searching for him. Finding one man should not be so difficult, but her brother wasn't just any man. Luke Skywalker was no ordinary man; he was the Last Jedi. An old friend of Luke's, a gatherer from Tuanul, had given her a slither of hope, and Leia clung to it as though it were a life rope. She was sending Dameron, the young pilot of the Resistance, who showed great potential to retrieve what Lor San Tekka offered. She did not know if it was a way for Luke, but it was hope, which was enough.


Poe Dameron sat in Lor San Tekka's modest home. It resembled a primitive hut, but within, it was surprisingly comfortable. Tuanul was a tiny village barely perceptible from the sandy dunes on this forgotten planet, let alone from the air above. It held, however, a mighty secret.

"I've heard the stories about you and Luke Skywalker. It's an honour to meet you, sir."

Poe felt tired and ran a hand through his neat, dark waves, hoping that it would wipe away his fatigue. Poe was pressed for time; the circumstances to finally get here had been both difficult and dangerous. He was trying not to give away an air of impatience because the General, Princess Leia Organa herself, had handpicked him for this mission, and he did not want to insult her old friend. Poe stopped himself from tapping his foot and gave his shoulders within his worn brown leather pilot jacket a little shake before downing the warm tea his host had provided. It was soothing, and he relaxed a little. That was until Tekka placed a small leather sack in his hand and nodded with a warm, wrinkled smile.

"Without the Jedi, there can be no balance in the Force. This will begin to make things right." Tekka's voice was deep, rasping, almost hoarse, but there was something wise, familiar and pleasant about the way he spoke. It reminded Poe of old storytellers or the followers of the Whills, always ancient and fascinating. He could listen to that voice for hours; he imagined the stories he'd hear; he wished he could.

"I cannot tell you how grateful the General will be; she's been looking for a clue to her brother's whereabouts for a long time."

Tekka smiled at him, and his eyes wrinkled, "General. To me, she's royalty."

Poe squashed a laugh, "That she is. Just don't ever let her catch you calling her Princess." Poe often did; it amused him how much she hated it. He did know when not to push that particular button, and recently, that had been often.

A whirring outside the hut pulled the men from their conversation. Poe's spherical droid spewed electronic chatter, which could only mean one thing. Exiting the hut, he searched the skies, and dread knotted his stomach cold and hard. Multiple First Order stormtrooper transports were descending through the sun-red atmosphere.

"You need to hide," he said to Tekka.

"You need to leave that way quickly. Go, Dameron. The mission is more important. Compared to what rises in the Galaxy, we are but stardust. Go." Tekka practically shoved Poe behind his hut, "Keep going that way; you'll reach Nima Outpost. May the Force be with you, young Dameron."

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